"SP418-U-Healthy Children: 25-26 Months" by The University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service

Document Type

Parenting, Children and Teens

Publication Date



Twos are terrific, tender, trying, taxing and very, very exciting. Your little one has come a long way in two short years and so have you. As a parent of a 2-year-old, these are some things you will need this next year:

• Patience to help you cope with your child’s mood swings, from very cooperative to highly unreasonable.

• Awareness to help you see that your child’s surroundings are safe.

• Loving firmness to help you gently apply rules in a consistent way so your child can learn responsibility and self-sufficiency.

• Humor to help you laugh at yourself and with your child.

• Wonder to help you see your 2-year-old as the creative, special person she really is.

• Enthusiasm to enjoy and celebrate your toddler’s many accomplishments during this year.

Publication Number

SP418-U 01/10(Rev.) 2M E12-5320-00-043-10 10-0122

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