"PB897 Commercial Bush Snapbean Production" by The University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service

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Snapbean production in Tennessee ranges from 6,000 to 9,000 acres and contributes $7 to $9 million annually to the state’s economy. The major production area is located within a 50-mile radius of Crossville, with some early production in the south central portion of the state. Small acreages are grown throughout the state for local sales.

Presently, the acreage is about 45 percent processing and 55 percent fresh market. Fresh market packing operations have increased about five-fold in the last few years.

The varying elevations and temperatures enable producers to plant early at lower elevations and make summer plantings at higher elevations. This enables snapbean harvest from about mid-June to late September.

Publication Number

PB897-1M-10/95(Rev) E12-2015-00-291-95

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