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The production of vegetable plants for commercial and home use is increasing in Tennessee. This is partially due to the expansion of greenhouse flower and ornamental production. To meet the demand for home gardeners, growers have gradually added vegetable plants to their spring production operation. Growers are finding that production of quality plants is a profitable business in urban areas.
Successful vegetable plant production is not a simple practice, because it requires technical knowledge of production practices within an enclosed environment, careful planning and man age ment. Combining the required environmental conditions favorable for vegetable plant growth, either in a greenhouse or in a float bed, requires a thorough under standing of conditions suitable to plant growth. It is the intent of this publication to increase the grower's knowledge of those require ments.
Commercial vegetable growers should grow their own plants to im prove plant and fruit quality, as well as to increase the chances of har vest ing when the supply is low and the price is high. Almost all of the larger tomato producers in East and West Tennessee are now producing many of their own plants. They are doing so because of the advantages involved.
Recommended Citation
"PB819 Growing Vegetable Transplants in Tennessee," The University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service, PB819-5M-8/99 E12-2015-00-060-00,
Publication Number
PB819-5M-8/99 E12-2015-00-060-00