National Quail Symposium Proceedings
Welcome to the abstract and article submission site, as well as the central repository of proceedings from National Quail Symposia. The primary purpose of the Proceedings is to publish peer-reviewed research and management papers from the National Quail Symposium series. Symposia focus on quails in the United States and adjacent countries.
The National Quail Symposium Proceedings is published by the National Bobwhite & Grassland Initiative (NBGI) and the National Bobwhite & Grassland Initiative Technical Committee (NBGI TC).
For each Symposium, a partnership is formed between NBGI/NBGI TC and a host institute or agency, to implement the conference and edit the proceedings. Quail 9 was hosted by the University of Missouri and the Missouri Department of Conservation. Other symposium partners are described in the front pages of each of the National Quail Symposium Proceedings.
See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.
For futher information about NBGI and their conservation efforts, please consult Scientific technical information about habitat management planning, data collection, and monitoring related to the NBGI Coordinated Implementation Program can be found at If you would like to keep up-to-date with the latest announcements concerning quail symposia, please refer to the Quail Symposium website.
Current Volume: Volume 9 (2022)
Front Cover
Front Matter
Title Page
Frank R. Thompson III
In Memorium
Frank R. Thompson III
Plenary Sessions
Adaptive Management and Quail Conservation on Rangelands in the American West
Leonard A. Brennan, Ashley Tanner, and Evan P. Tanner
Northern Bobwhite Demographics and Resource Selection Are Explained by Prescribed Fire with Grazing and Woody Cover in Southwest Missouri
Frank R. Thompson III, Mitch D. Weegman, Emily A. Sinnott, Alisha R. Mosloff, Kyle R. Hedges, Frank L. Loncarich, Thomas R. Thompson, Nicholas C. Burrell, Stasia Whitaker, and David E. Hoover
Weather Influences on Quail Management and Research
Climate Impacts on North American Quail
Shelby M. Perry, Erin Moser, Jeffrey G. Whitt, and Kelly S. Reyna
Examining a Habitat-Weather Threshold for Northern Bobwhite Populations in the Southwestern United States
John T. Edwards, Fidel Hernández, Andrea Montalvo, and Masahiro Ohnishi
Effects of Climate Change on Northern Bobwhite Nesting Chronology and Clutch Size
Justin A. Rectenwald, D. Clay Sisson, and James A. Martin
Habitat Management and Related Issues
Efficacy of a Preemergence Herbicide Following Postemergence Control to Reduce Sericea Lespedeza in Old Fields Managed for Northern Bobwhite
Mark A. Turner, Bonner L. Powell, and Craig A. Harper
Northern Bobwhite Response to Vegetation Management and Recovery in South Texas
Rachel A. Smith, Leonard A. Brennan, Humberto L. Perotto-Baldivieso, and Fidel Hernández
Effect of Prescribed Fire and Mechanical Treatments on Northern Bobwhite Occupancy in Mesic Pine Flatwoods
Sarah K. Brown and William E. Palmer
Bobwhite Response to Cattle Grazing in South Texas
Bradley K. Johnston, J. Alfonso Ortega-S., Leonard A. Brennan, Fidel Hernández, and Humberto L. Perotto-Baldivieso
Northern Bobwhite and Fire: A Review and Synthesis
David A. Weber, Evan P. Tanner, Theron M. Terhune II, J. Morgan Varner, and James A. Martin
Northern Bobwhite Response to Control of Red Imported Fire Ants in the Gulf Coast Prairie of Texas
Kelly M. Redmond, Eric D. Grahmann, Fidel Hernández, Leonard A. Brennan, Michael E. Morrow, and Timothy Anderson
Bobwhite Restoration: Approaches and Theory
Adaptive Management Facilitates Increase in Northern Bobwhite Populations
James A. Martin, Clay Sisson, Justin Rectenwald, and Paige Howell
Habitat Works: How Partnerships and Habitat Improvement have Restored Quail Populations in the 2C Quail Focus Area
E. Lee Metcalf, Beth A. Emmerich, and William T. White
Landowner Cooperative Key to Success in the Bee Ridge Quail Focus Area
John A. Pinkowski, Beth A. Emmerich, and William T. White
Lessons Learned from the First 10 Years of the Oaks and Prairies Joint Venture’s Grassland Restoration Incentive Program (GRIP)
James J. Giocomo, Robert M. Perez, Kenneth Gee, Steven Riley, Derek Wiley, Anna M. Matthews, Ty Higginbotham, Amanda Haverland, Thomas S. Janke, Amber Brown, Kati Biggs, Mitchell Riggs, Taylor Daily, Charlotte Wilson, Cole Fagen, William Newman, Leah Lowe, and Jonathan Hayes
Results from Kentucky’s 10-year Bobwhite Recovery Plan
Cody M. Rhoden, John J. Morgan, Ben A. Robinson, and Gary Sprandel
A Monitoring Program to Evaluate the Coastal Grassland Restoration Incentive Program
Stephen J. DeMaso, William G. Vermillion, and Mark W. Parr
Bobwhite Population Ecology and Behavior
Nest Hatch Chronology of Northern Bobwhite and Implications for Management
Frank L. Loncarich and R. Kyle Hedges
Home Range and Space Use of Northern Bobwhite Under Two Different Management Models in Southwestern Missouri
Thomas R. Thompson, Frank L. Loncarich, and R. Kyle Hedges
Breeding Season Survival and Reproduction in a High-Density Bobwhite Population: A case study
William E. Palmer, Shane D. Wellendorf, and D. Clay Sisson
Diurnal Occurrence of Great-Horned Owls on Northern Bobwhite Hunting Properties in Southwest Georgia
Justin A. Rectenwald, Philip M. Coppola, Theron M. Terhune II, D. Clay Sisson, and James A. Martin
Measuring Multiple Demographic Rates in Two Populations of Northern Bobwhite
Alexander L. Jackson, D. Clay Sisson, and Justin A. Rectenwald
Behavioral State-Specific Northern Bobwhite Chick Resource Selection
Justin N. Hill, Theron M. Terhune II, and James A. Martin
Northern Bobwhite Survival and Productivity in Relation to Food Supplementation
Shelby R. Simons, Greg Hagan, Theron M. Terhune II, and James A. Martin
Avian Abundance and Diversity on Knoxville Wildlife Area in California Following the County Fire of 2018
Katherine S. Miller, Stacy Martinelli, and Levi E. Souza
Cascading Effects of Hunting Disturbance on Northern Bobwhite Behavior, Physiology, and Survival
Emily Prosser, Theron M. Terhune II, Kristen J. Navara, Geoff Beane, and James A. Martin
Impacts to Quail Space Use and Demographics from Oil and Gas Development
Kelsey R. Davis, Eric D. Grahmann, Fidel Hernández, Chase R. Currie, Timothy E. Fulbright, David B. Wester, and Humberto L. Perotto-Baldivieso
Effect of Food Distribution on Northern Bobwhite Resource Selection
Rachel R. Gardner, John Maerz, Theron M. Terhune II, Ira B. Parnell, and James A. Martin
Bobwhite Hunting
Evaluating the Harvest Rate Recommendation for Northern Bobwhites in South Texas
D. Abraham Woodard, Leonard A. Brennan, Fidel Hernández, Humberto L. Perotto-Baldivieso, Neal Wilkins, and Andrea Montalvo
Spatial and Temporal Analyses of Bobwhite Hunting Dynamics
D.Abraham Woodard, Leonard A. Brennan, Fidel Hernández, Humberto L. Perotto-Baldivieso, and Neal Wilkins
A Simulation Model of Sustained-Yield Harvest for Northern Bobwhite in South Texas
Joseph P. Sands, Stephen J. DeMaso, Fidel Hernández, Leonard A. Brennan, Matthew J. Schnupp, Trent W. Teinert, Dale Rollins, and Robert M. Perez
Western Quail
Population Density Estimates of the Montezuma Quail (Cyrtonyx montezumae) in West Texas
Alberto Macías-Duarte, Angel B. Montoya, and James H. Weaver
Montezuma Quail in the Edwards Plateau of Texas: Detection, Occurrence, and Habitat
Zachary J. Pearson, Eric D. Grahmann, Fidel Hernández, Robert Perez, Leonard A. Brennan, and Humberto L. Perotto-Baldivieso
Nesting Of Montezuma Quail In Mexico
David García-Solózano, Carlos González-Rebeles Islas, German D. Mendoza Martínez, Ernesto Ávila González, and Fidel Hernández
Age, Sex and Family Composition of Montezuma Quail (Cyrtonyx montezumae) Coveys in Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas
Alberto Macias-Duarte and Angel B. Montoya
Landscape-Scale Effects of Habitat and Weather on Scaled Quail Populations
John T. Edwards, Fidel Hernández, David B. Wester, Leonard A. Brennan, Chad J. Parent, Andrea Montalvo, and Masahiro Ohnishi
Masked Bobwhite Recovery: The Need for a Multifaceted Approach
Lacrecia A. Johnson, Matthew J. Butler, Rebecca Chester, John G. Goodwin Jr., Grant M. Harris, Steven E. Sesnie, and Donald H. Wolfe
Habitat of the Long-Tailed Wood-Partridge in Central Mexico
David García-Solózano, Crisma Lopez-Sanchez, Edgardo Lopez-González, and Carlos González-Rebeles Islas
Variability and Genetic Structure of the Montezuma Quail Cyrtonyx montezumae in the Northern Limit of its Distribution
Eduardo Sánchez Murrieta, Alberto Macías-Duarte, Reyna A. Castillo-Gámez, Angel B. Montoya, Alejandro Varela-Romero, and Nohelia G. Pacheco Hoyos
Composition of the Montezuma Quail’s Diet in Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas
Ana G. Paredes-Acuña, Alberto Macías-Duarte, Reyna A. Castillo-Gámez, Angel B. Montoya, and James H. Weaver
Winter Diet of Montezuma Quail in Arizona and New Mexico
Oscar E. López-Bujanda, Alberto Macías-Duarte, Reyna A. Castillo-Gámez, and Angel B. Montoya
Characteristics of Hunter Harvested Montezuma Quail Wings and Implications for Molt Phenology
Charles J. Randel III, Pedro M. Chavarria, C. Zach Johnson, Roel R. Lopez, John M. Tomeček, and Nova J. Silvy
Examination of an Anecdotal “October Disappearance” of Northern Bobwhite in the Rolling Plains of Texas Through Demographic Data
Jessica A. Mehta, Rowdy A. White, Joshua B. Luft, and C. Brad Dabbert
Analysis of Predator Avoidance Behavior in California Valley Quail
Curt Vandenberg, Jeffrey G. Whitt, and Kelly S. Reyna
Survival, Movement, and Habitat Use of Translocated Northern Bobwhite in Texas
Ricardo Cagigal Perez, Nova J. Silvy, Brian L. Pierce, and Therese A. Catanach
Winter Survival and Resource Use of Translocated Northern Bobwhite in the Mid-Atlantic United States
Kaili Stevens, Christopher K. Williams, Theron Terhune, Philip Coppola, John Parke, and John Cecil
Highly Variable Autumn Calling Rates of Northern Bobwhite Following Translocation
John Palarski, Shelby Simons, Bradley W. Kubečka, Theron M. Terhune II, and Greg Hagan
Translocating Wild California Valley Quail to Texas: An Evaluation of Survival, Dispersal, Tracking Efficacy, and Roost Preference
Garrett Rushing, Jordan T. Conley, Jeffrey G. Whitt, and Kelly S. Reyna
Stress and Predation Impacts on North American Quail Translocations
Curt A. Vandenberg, Sarah A. Currier, Jeffrey G. Whitt, and Kelly S. Reyna
Evaluating Release Strategy for Translocated Northern Bobwhites in Cross Timbers Ecoregion of Texas: A Pilot Study
Rebekah E. Ruzicka, Dale Rollins, and Ty Bartoskewitz
Monitoring Scaled Quail Occupancy and Colonization Post-Translocation on a Large Landscape
Rebekah E. Ruzicka and Dale Rollins
Diseases and Parasites
Histopathological Analysis of Quails in the Trans-Pecos Ecoregion of Texas
Trey E. Johnson, Carlos E. Gonzalez, Dale Rollins, Josh G. Cross, and Ryan S. Luna
Exploring a Plant-Diversity Hypothesis to Explain Helminth Prevalence in Northern Bobwhite in Texas
John E. Herschberger, Shaelyn T. Rainey, Fidel Hernández, Kristyn G. Stewart, Andrea Montalvo, and Lindsey K. Howard
Exploring the Relationships between South Texas Northern Bobwhite Populations and Cecal Worms via System Dynamics
Nicole J. Traub, Benjamin L. Turner, Leonard A. Brennan, and Alan M. Fedynich
Population Estimation and Other Techniques
Applying Multistate Mark-Recapture Models with State Uncertainty to Estimate Survival and Reproduction of Quail
Rebekah E. Ruzicka
Detection Rates of Northern Bobwhite Coveys Using a Small Unmanned Aerial System-Mounted Thermal Camera
Megan E. Martin, Lori A. Hearon, Kristine O. Evans, Raymond B. Iglay, Jesse I. Morrison, and Mark D. McConnell
Relationships between Meteorological and other Variables and Bobwhite Spring Call Counts
Jeffrey G. Whitt and Kelly S. Reyna
The Efficacy of Video Cameras to Account for Northern Bobwhites Flushed, but Undetected During Aerial Surveys
Andrea Montalvo, Leonard A. Brennan, Michael L. Morrison, Eric D. Grahmann, and Andrew N. Tri
Estimating Northern Bobwhite Density in Privately-Owned Forests Across the Southeast
John M. Yeiser, Bridgett Costanzo, Melissa Martin, Jessica McGuire, Clayton Delancey, and James A. Martin
Evaluation of a Solar-Recharged Micro-GPS Datalogger for Northern Bobwhite in the Rolling Plains of Texas
Byron R. Buckley, Rowdy A. White, and C. Brad Dabbert
Closing Remarks
The Evolution of Quail Research: Trends in Themes, Cognitive Extent, and Lexical Diversity
Fidel Hernández
Full Issue
Full Issue
Frank R. Thompson III