IJNS Book Review Editor and Govt. of India official, Arjun Banerjee, with local staff, Accra, Ghana
IJNS Book Review Editor and Govt. of India official, Arjun Banerjee, with local staff working in nuclear security, in front of the IAEA-affiliated Nuclear Security Support Centre in Accra, Ghana.
View MoreIJNS Book Review Editor, Arjun Banerjee, and Executive Director of VCDNP, Laura Rockwood 2018
IJNS Book Review Editor and Govt. of India civil servant, Arjun Banerjee, receiving a participation certificate from the Executive Director of the Vienna Center for Disarmament and Nonproliferation (VCDNP), Laura Rockwood – March 2018.
View MoreOf global human bonding - Arjun Banerjee at Vienna International Centre 2018
IJNS Book Review Editor and Govt. of India civil servant, Arjun Banerjee, at the UNO City/ Vienna International Centre in March 2018 with diplomats from around the globe.
View MoreIJNS Book Review Editor and Govt. of India civil servant, Arjun Banerjee, meets international diplomats 2018
At the March 2018 Short Course at the Vienna Center for Disarmament and Nonproliferation.
View MoreJournal banner at annual meeting of the International Nuclear Security Education Network
At IAEA headquarters, Vienna International Centre, Vienna, Austria, July 2017.
View MoreManaging editor, Russel Hirst presents copy of IJNS to M. Elaine Bunn
M. Elaine Bunn is the former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear and Missile Defense Policy, U.S. Dept. of Defense. (In front of The Patriot Club at Offut AFB, Nebraska, USA, March 2017).
View MoreCapstone conference of the Project on Nuclear Issues 2017
Left to right: General John Hyten, commander of US Strategic Command, Ms. Hannah Tingle, volunteer coordinator for IJNS, Ms. Elizabeth Rosenthal, science writer for Oak Ridge National. (Offut Air Force Base, Nebraska, USA, March 2017).
View MoreVienna International Centre 2017
Headquarters of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna, Austria, July 2017.
View MoreDr. Hirst’s plenary address at annual conference of the International Nuclear Security Education Network 2017
Topic: “Writing about nuclear security for academic journals: Keys to getting published.” (At IAEA headquarters, Vienna International Centre, Vienna, Austria, July 2017).
View MoreDr. Hirst’s address to INSEN 2017
(At IAEA headquarters, Vienna International Centre, Vienna, Austria, July 2017).
View MoreDr. Hirst and students at Minuteman Missle historical display, PONI conference 2017
Dr. Hirst and students (shorter silhouettes) at Minuteman Missle historical display, while attending PONI conference. (Offut AFB, Nebraska, USA, March 2017).
View MoreManaging editor, Russel Hirst presents copy of IJNS to Ron Lehman
Dr. Hirst presents copy of IJNS to Ron Lehman, Counselor to the Director of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; Chair, U.S. Dept. of of Defense Threat Reduction Advisory Committee; Chair, Governing Board of International Science and...
View MoreManaging editor, Russel Hirst presents copy of IJNS to John Norton Moore
John Norton Moore, renouned scholar of international law and co-founder of National Security Law Institute, receives copy of IINS from Dr. Hirst. Moore is the Walter L. Brown Professor of Law at the University of Virginia School of Law. ...
View MoreDr. Hirst with Robert Turner 2017
Robert Turner, scholar of national security law and Jefferson studies, co-founder of NSLI. Visiting Monticello, the former home of President Thomas Jefferson, with Dr. Hirst. (At National Security Law Instiute in Virginia, June 2017).
View MoreDr. Hirst congratulates John Norton Moore at close of National Security Law Institute 2017
At University of Virginia Law School, June 2017.
View MoreManaging editor, Russel Hirst presents copy of IJNS to David Graham of UVA
Managing Editor, Russel Hirst, presents copy of IJNS to David Graham of UVA law faculty and co-director of NSLI (At National Security Law Instiute, University of Virginia, USA, June 2017).
View MoreHirst and his students talk with General John Hyten, commander of US Strategic Command
Hirst and his students Elizabeth Rosenthal (at his right) and Hannah Tingle (at his left) talk with General John Hyten, commander of US Strategic Command. (At capstone conference of the Project on Nuclear Issues, Offut AFB, Nebraska, USA...
View MoreWe are delighted to announce that IJNS is officially listed with the Directory of Open Access Journals!
Listed journals must follow specific guidelines in order to be accepted.
"The aim of the DOAJ is to increase the visibility and ease of use of open access scientific and scholarly journals, thereby promoting their increased usage and...
View MorePONI Spring Conference 2016
Adm. Cecil Haney, Commander of US Strategic Command, talking with Managing Editor Dr. Russel Hirst and Assistant Editor Sumner Brown as Robert Vince, Dir. of the National Security Office (LLNL), looks on.
View MoreFirst Official IJNS International Writing Workshop!
The first official IJNS writing workshop kicked off on April 18 in Accra, Ghana with the African Center for Science and International Security. The workshop helps nuclear engineers and technicians improve their writing for proposals...
View MoreFrances Bachstein, one of four Awardees of the 2015 IJNS Student Writing Competition
Her working title is, "Janus Realized: The Use of Social Media as a Means of Transparency Nuclear Communication to the Public." And a shout out to graphics designer Dylan Platz at Vanderbilt who designed the certificates! Thank you, Dylan...
View MoreCSIS PONI 2015
A stroll to the White House after the conference
View MoreCSIS PONI 2015
Dr. Hirst's DC office...
View MoreCSIS PONI 2015
Rebecca Hersman, Director, Project on Nuclear Issues; senior advisor, International Security Program
View MoreCSIS PONI 2015
Tom Countryman, assistant secretary, Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation (US Dept of State)
View MoreManhattan Project National Historic Park - Opening Ceremonies
Frank Munger, Atomic City Underground (Knoxville News Sentinel), with Russel Hirst on a windy opening day for the park grounds in OakRidge, Tennessee.
View MoreA little history lesson at the Manhattan Project National Park inauguration
Y-12 National Security Complex historian Ray Smith is always happy to share a lesson on Y-12 history
View MoreManaging Editor explores nuclear history firsthand.
At the Pupin Physics building where early particle experiments were run using a cyclotron, a key part of the early stages of the Manhattan Project.
View MoreRussel Hirst at UN office in NYC
On a recent trip to New York City, our managing editor stopped by the United Nations building for a tour. He brought back interesting insights!
View MoreConference of the Council for Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication (CPTSC) 2015 at Utah State University
Sam Dragga (of Texas Tech University, professor of technical writing and editor for Technical Communication) and IJNS managing editor Russel Hirst pose with the printed version of issue #1.
View MoreConference of the Council for Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication (CPTSC) 2015 at Utah State University
IJNS managing editor Russel Hirst poses with Dr. Constance Kampf (Aarhus University, Denmark) is Editor-in-Chief for the International Journal of Sociotechnology and Knowledge Development.
View MoreManaging editor, Russel Hirst in Vienna at INSEN 2015
Dr. Hirst presented about the journal at INSEN and made many new friends! His presentation was accepted with widespread enthusiasm and interest.
View MoreFour members of the IJNS editorial team in Vienna at INSEN 2015
From August 10-12 at this year's INSEN conference in Vienna, educators and professionals gathered to support the growth of nuclear security education.
The IAEA quoted Professor Oum Keltoum Hakam from Ibn Tofail University in Morocco, “We...
View MoreDr. Hall and Mrs. Peter-Stein at IPEN 2015 in Brazil
IPEN (Institute of Nuclear and Energy research) signed a cooperative agreement with the Institute for Nuclear Security at the University of Tennessee in October 2015. Inter-institutional graduate programs not only strengthen cross-cultural...
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Important Update
IJNS is not currently accepting new submissions. Due to a lack of institutional staff, the journal is unable to take on new submissions at this time. We are closing new submissions to focus on volume 9, issues 1 and 3. We apologize for any inconvenience.
The mission of the International Journal of Nuclear Security is to share and promote research and best practices in all areas of nuclear security. It provides an open-access, multi-disciplinary forum for scholarship and discussion. The journal encourages diversity in theoretical foundations, research methods, and approaches, asking contributors to analyze and include implications for policy and practice.
IJNS was launched in 2015 to fill the need for an open, international, scholarly discussion about nuclear security issues and insights among scholars, students, practitioners, and experts from academia, government, industry, and the private sector—as well as from the intelligence, military, and law enforcement communities.
IJNS invites submissions that focus on global education and training in nuclear security. Topics of interest include:
- Curriculum development programs in nuclear security at academic institutions
- Continuing education programs, such as professional development courses and training, at academic or other institutions
- Preventing and/or delimiting insider and outsider threats
- Reports and scholarly investigations on pedagogical initiatives for nuclear security, including alternative/complementary teaching methods (tabletop exercises, case studies, etc.)
- Issues/barriers/problems (and proposed solutions) in international education for nuclear security
- Discussion of grant development and funding scenarios related to education in nuclear security
IJNS also invites authors to submit articles on other subjects directly related to national and international nuclear security education or training.
NOTE: IJNS is not currently accepting new submissions.
Please see the IJNS website for general submission rules: http://trace.tennessee.edu/ijns/policies.html#whatcansubmit
In addition, please follow the style guide for submissions on the IJNS website: http://trace.tennessee.edu/ijns/styleguide.html
To submit an article, authors need to create an account on the IJNS website: http://trace.tennessee.edu/ijns. After creating an account, authors should navigate to the “Submit Article” tab on the left side of the screen (seventh tab down or first blue tab). CONTACT: ijns@tennessee.edu
The mission of this open access, interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal is to share and promote research and best practices in all areas of nuclear security.
IJNS publishes technical and policy-related articles, book reviews, news about conferences, seminars, and other events relevant to nuclear security, as well as descriptions of new educational programs or courses in nuclear security. See our Aims and Scope for more details.
Contact us: ijns@tennessee.edu
Current Issue: Volume 9, Number 3
International Journal of Nuclear Security–Nuclear Security Women 2024 Special Issue
Front Matter