EURēCA: Exhibition of Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievement
The Office of Undergraduate Research coordinates this unique competition to encourage, support, and reward undergraduate participation in the campus research enterprise and in the classroom learning of research methodologies. An added value is the development of faculty mentoring relationships.
Learn more about EURēCA at eureca.utk.edu.
Projects from 2019
Cell Separation Delay and Membrane Trafficking Defects in Cdc42 GAP Mutants, Haylee Grace Young
Projects from 2018
Effects of Attire on Pediatric Patient's Participation, Delaney Allison
Transecting the Heart: An Atrium Investigation, Aubrey Sofia Bader and Sandra Ghabrial
Does Winning Eurovision Impact a Country's Economy?, Kendall Bard
Environmental Racism and The Flint Water Crisis, Aya E Barnes
Laser Ablation Synthesis of Energetic Graphitic Coated Aluminum Nanoparticles, Camille E. Bergin
BG-4, a bioactive peptide from Momordica charantia, promotes apoptosis in ovarian cancer cells, Ashley D. Bloom
Impression Management From the Department of Environmental Quality in the Flint Water Crisis, Haley E Boles
Device Characterization of Solar Inverters, Katelyn Alexandria Bolinsky
Representation of the Human Musculature in the Bronze Age Aegean, Emily R Brower
Determining if host serum IgG titer is associated with Toxoplasma gondii virulence, Riley E Byrd
Spatial Analysis of Mountaintop Mining's Impact on Water Quality, Samantha Cahill
Frequency of Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Information Provided in the Media: Impacts, Ecology, and Citizen Outreach, Anna Killeen Cameron, Casey Fellhoelter, Bevin Hardy, and Lucas Smith
futurefictions, Mara Caoile
Interactions and growth dynamics of Prochlorococcus, Rhodospirilaceae, and Alteromonas in a coculture environment, Vasily Giovanni Carniello
Effects of Extreme Heat on Aviation, Brandon T. Carpenter
Acute social defeat stress induces microglial activation in key limbic regions, Thomas Clarity
FoodScape Knox, Caroline Beth Conley
One Shot Pub: A Business Plan, Ben Dale
Brand Communication in a Large Consumer Goods Company: A Case of The Coca-Cola Company, Julianna Deal
Synthesis and Phase Identification of Lithium Gallium Oxide Compositions for Scintillator Applications, Katherine Gordon
in shadow of disaster, Meredith Rene Graves
Supply Chain Sustainability: Understanding the Financial Impact, Matthew J. Guinn
Sequoyah, Smokies, Songs, & Summitt: Creating, Implementing, & Evaluating the Tennessee Junior 4-H Camp Curriculum, Alexis Hall
X-Means Clustering Implementing the Gap Statistic for Multiple Positron Emission Particle Tracking, Matthew Herald
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Hydrogen Diffusion and Retention Behavior Near Sub-Surface Defects in Tungsten: Towards Predicting Tritium Retention in the ITER Divertor, Emily Nicole Hutchins
Synechococcus as an HOOH-Consuming Helper for Prochlorococcus, Abigail Mcgettigan Jarratt
Secrets of a Rare Bird: Breeding behavior of the Gray-breasted Flycatcher (Lathrotriccus griseipectus) in Ecuador, William Harris Kirkpatrick
Exploring Magnetism in Solid Lattices with Efficient Monte Carlo Simulations, Kevin Gordon Kleiner
The Geography of Opiate Addiction, Overdose, and Treatment in Tennessee, David Stanley Leventhal, Meghan Russell, and Kali Williams
Contact with the Criminal Justice System, Social Support, and Depressive Symptoms in Women, Sonja Lipman
“The Holy Brick of Birth-giving”: A Reassessment of Ancient Near Eastern Birth Bricks and Their Medical Role in Delivery, Emily Jo Liske
Using Meisenbach's Typology to Classify Stigma Management Strategies and their Effects, Lia Marjorie Lombino and Jamie Eden Shapiro
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Reading Abilities: A Comprehensive Review, Mckenzie Rose Martin and Holly Flatt
Arabidopsis thaliana NIP2;1 , a lactic acid transporter, is essential for plant survival during hypoxic stress, Samantha Jean McIntire
Improving Sheet Molding Compound, Zebulon G. McReynolds
Archaeometric Approaches to the Roman Near East, Gayatri Nandwani
Social Reform and Gender: Henry Bergh, "Manliness", and the Early Animal Rights Movement in America, Hannah Gretchen Nelsen
Generalizing across speaker and gender during early word learning: Evidence from a statistical learning paradigm, Madison Newsom
2018 EURēCA Abstract Book, Office of Undergraduate Research
2018 EURēCA Program Book, Office of Undergraduate Research
2018 EURēCA Winners, Office of Undergraduate Research
The Next Recession: Is it Time?, Samuel W. Paganelli
The Pricing Impact of the Decreasing Competitiveness of the Health Insurance Market, Lauren N. Patterson
A Quiet Mind: The Key to Musical Performance, Rebecca Ann Percy
Computational Study of Ligand-dependent Oligomerization of Ribonucleotide Reductase, Bill Pham
Analyzing memcapacitive capabilities of lipid and polymer bilayers for use in smart materials, Megan Pitz
Molecular Barcoding of Eupatorieae of Tennessee, Magen R Poindexter
Constitutive expression of THIOGLUCOSIDE GLUCOHYDROLASE 1 (TGG1) decreases intercellular trafficking in Arabidopsis thaliana, Alessandro Francesco Sarno
Welcome Home, Chelsea Schulz
The effect of osmolytes on ligand binding to dihydropteroate synthase, Ojaswini Sharma, Deepika Nambiar, Michael Duff, and Elizabeth Howell
The use of potato (Solanum tuberosum) suspension cells for rapid screening of chloroplast transformation vectors, Lindsey Shover
Nucleosynthesis in Core-Collapse Supernovae, Taylor Stevenson
Modeling adsorption and diffusion of atomic oxygen on the Ag(111) surface using kinetic Monte Carlo simulations, Seth Spencer Street, Sharani Roy, and Sara Isbill
Free for the Fort, William Trapnell
Innovation of Analytical Methods in Art Conservation, Jose Velasco
Impact of Ultrasonication on Physicochemical Properties and Digestibility of Sorghum Starch, Zhihong Wang
Urban Identity, Mustapha A Farrankhan Williams
Infratecture: Infrastructure as Architecture, David Aaron Wright
Measuring the Livability of Shakespeare's London, Reagan A Yessler
Improving the Analysis of T Cell Movement, Viktor Zenkov
Projects from 2017
Spring City Kayak Launch & Amenities Design Project, Sydney Lin Adcock
Validating Geospatial Analysis with Community Risk Perception Survey in Big Island, Hawaii, Darcy Ann Ayers
The Salk Institute, Sydney Ann Bittinger and Emily Gowder
The Exhibition of Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievement: DISTRESS OF PARENTS OF NICU GRADUATES, Megan Kay Borgmier
Variations in Growth Rate of Closely Related Escherichia coli Strains, Evalynn Chassity Borrego
Neuroanatomical Differences Between Boys and Girls with ADHD: A Critical Review and Implications for Treatment, Shelby Clouthier and Jessica Anderson
The Resilience of the Mayan People, Savannah G. Dixon
Predicting Patients’ Outcomes in Abdominal Wall Reconstruction Procedure, Danika Dorris
Evidence for the priming effect in single strain and simplified communities of estuarine bacteria, Abigail Amina Edwards
How Short Term Mindfulness Training Affects Emotion Regulation on College Students, Holly E. Flatt, Andrea Benadives, and Kriston Ramsey
Wastewater Treatment Improvements for Rush Strong School, Kelli Michelle Grissom, Christina Sanford, Katie Gipson, and Sharon Counts
Does Increased Globalization Improve Citizens' Quality of Life?, Laura E. Hirt
Ontogenetic and Systematic Study of Eucystis (Diploporita: Echinodermata), Sarah Rebecca Johnson
membrane dissection: the bechtler museum, Mike Lidwin and Rachel List
Histomonas ELISA, Jessica L Martinez
Evaluation of Foldable Tractor Roll-Over Protective Structures (ROPS) Clearance, Luke Martin
Mode I Fracture Behavior of Bisphenol-A Epoxy Resin, Gillian Suzanne McGlothin
Head Over Heels: Women in Supply Chain Management, Mary Margaret Mobley
2017 EURēCA Abstract Book, Office of Undergraduate Research
2017 EURēCA Program Book, Office of Undergraduate Research
2017 EURēCA Winners, Office of Undergraduate Research
Does Dietary Choline Supplementation Mitigate the Effects of Adolescent Stress on Working Memory in Rats?, Abigail Diana Owens
Macrobotanical Analysis of the Topper Site (38AL23), Sierra Snively Roark
HPV Vaccination Receptivity, Katie D. Scott
Sara Liza: a Pant Suit and a Paint Brush, Sara E. Seaman
Is Changing Your Layout Worth The Payout?: The Impact of Office Layout on Employee Wellness and Reactions, Samantha Nicole Steichen
Quantatative analysis of microbial abundance within Arctic fjord sediments assessed through direct counting, Alex Taylor Swystun
Clinical and Subclinical Mastitis Causing Pathogens in Tennessee Dairy Cattle, Michelle Marie Untch
Interactions of Trehalose wth Model Folate Compounds, Carolyn R Ware
Pictorial Inscriptions, Jonathan w. Winfiele and Emily R. Gowder
The Evaluation of Nonpharmacological Interventions With Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS), Sydney York, Chelsea Hancock, Palmer Gleason, and Hannah Ledbetter
Projects from 2016
The Impact of a Child-Centered, Mastery Movement Program on Physical Activity Levels, Motor Skill Development and Cognitive Function in Young Children, Joshua Glenn Anderson
Design of a Mobile Shade and Cooling Structure for Grazing Dairy Herds, William Barbour, Ellen Moore, and Jay McMillan
Sorghum Phenolic Extracts: Chemical Characterization and Biological Activity Determination, James Jordan Bradwell
Stability of Sorgum Bicolor Alcoholic Extract as affected by pH and Temperature, James Jordan Bradwell
Evaluating the Cytotoxic Effects of Cellulose Nanocrystals (CNCs) Using Autobioluminescent Yeast and Human Cells, Julianna Hughes Burchett
Synthesis of PtCuCo Ternary Alloy Using Laser Ablation Synthesis in Solution-Galvanic Replacement Reaction (LASIS-GRR), Kangmin Cheng
A Rigid Mechanism with Uniform, Variable Curvature, Jake A Childs
Corporate Social Responsibility: What is it, and Why Does it Matter?, Charles Andrew Currey