Vernacular: New Connections in Language, Literature, & Culture | Vol 3 | Iss 1

Collaborators, Volume 3

Beth Boyd Ph.D. Candidate, The University of Indiana, Bloomington

Gerard Keubeung Fokou Ph.D. Candidate, The University of Tennessee

Juan Fernandez-Cantero Ph.D. Candidate, The University of Kentucky

Haley Osborn Ph.D. Candidate, The University of Tennessee

Maria Esparza Rodriguez Ph.D. Candidate, The University of Virginia

Catalina Rojas Ph.D. Student, The University of Tennessee

Iker Sedeno M.A. Student, The University of Tennessee

Holly Villines Ph.D. Student, The University of Tennessee

Brenda Quiñones-Ayala Ph.D. Candidate, The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill