Editor's Note
Catherine Greer
Le mythe comme patrie littéraire de l’écrivain migrant
Erika Mandarino
El criollo y la esclavitud en Cecilia Valdés o la Loma del Ángel: potencia, resistencia y empoderamiento
Elvira Aballí Morell
Gabriel Celaya: vanguardia y rehumanización
Ramón Muñiz Sarmiento
Cross-Cultural Analysis of Turn-Taking Practices in English and Spanish Conversations
Claudia B. Martínez
Two Ways Out/Back “Home”: Two Transnational and Literary Perspectives in Chinese Puzzle and Budapeste
Seth A. Compaoré
The Parallels of White Supremacy Discourse in Bitita’s Diary and Racism in a Racial Democracy
Jerry Scruggs
No lo esperaba...
Gabriela R. Dongo Arévalo

Collaborators, Volume 3
Beth Boyd Ph.D. Candidate, The University of Indiana, Bloomington
Gerard Keubeung Fokou Ph.D. Candidate, The University of Tennessee
Juan Fernandez-Cantero Ph.D. Candidate, The University of Kentucky
Haley Osborn Ph.D. Candidate, The University of Tennessee
Maria Esparza Rodriguez Ph.D. Candidate, The University of Virginia
Catalina Rojas Ph.D. Student, The University of Tennessee
Iker Sedeno M.A. Student, The University of Tennessee
Holly Villines Ph.D. Student, The University of Tennessee
Brenda Quiñones-Ayala Ph.D. Candidate, The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill