Experiences and Ethical Issues Across the Spectrum of Veterinary Social Work Services at Michigan State University
The six years of experience at the Michigan State University Veterinary Social Work Services (VSWS) has presented a wide variety of ethical issues. Issues are now addressed in the Policies and Procedures manual for the VSWS. The ethical issues discussed here do not only refer to the education of the MSW Interns. These issues are related to the entire staff of the hospital, medical and support staff. Also included are suggestions for client care, boundary setting to lower the chances of liability and inappropriate relationships. Again, this is not just for the students; this is for the hospital staff as well. Another action in which the VSWS has become involved is with the Mortality and Morbidity debriefing sessions that are held and include all members of the medical team, supervisors, administration, and support and care staff. These are chaired by the Hospital Director and the VSWS is considered an equal member.
Ethical dilemmas in social work and animals
Preferred Presentation Format
Table Topic: Facilitated conversation at meal time
Start Date
12-4-2013 12:00 PM
End Date
12-4-2013 1:30 PM
Experiences and Ethical Issues Across the Spectrum of Veterinary Social Work Services at Michigan State University
The six years of experience at the Michigan State University Veterinary Social Work Services (VSWS) has presented a wide variety of ethical issues. Issues are now addressed in the Policies and Procedures manual for the VSWS. The ethical issues discussed here do not only refer to the education of the MSW Interns. These issues are related to the entire staff of the hospital, medical and support staff. Also included are suggestions for client care, boundary setting to lower the chances of liability and inappropriate relationships. Again, this is not just for the students; this is for the hospital staff as well. Another action in which the VSWS has become involved is with the Mortality and Morbidity debriefing sessions that are held and include all members of the medical team, supervisors, administration, and support and care staff. These are chaired by the Hospital Director and the VSWS is considered an equal member.
Speaker Bio
Linda L Lawrence, MSW, LMSW,
Undergraduate Academic Advisor – School of Social Work
Practice Sequence Clinical Instructor – School of Social Work
Coordinator Veterinary Social Work Services (VSWS)
Michigan State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital
Clinical social work services for clients of the VTH and the staff
Facilitate Support Groups for the Loss of a Companion Animal, These groups are open to the “public.” In addition groups for the staff of the VTH due to the compassion fatigue experienced, and the lack of appreciation shown for work well done, therefore seeking ways to improve the work environment.