Select or Award-Winning Individual Scholarship

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Date



In 2014 the European Union, in concert with a number of other nations, enacted multiple rounds of sanctions against the Russian Federation. These sanctions were implemented due to the perceived role of the Russian Federation in the Ukrainian Euro Maiden Revolution of February 2014, and the subsequent annexation of the Crimean region. The following work investigates the resulting impacts of these sanctions on V4 (Czech, Hungarian, Polish, & Slovak) economies before ultimately concluding sanctions did not result in long term economic harm to the respective nations. The work is divided into 6 essays (Econometric Analyses, Energy, Financial Services & Governance, Defense & Dual-Use, Agriculture, and Policy Recommendations) that explore different aspects of the topic.

This work was completed as a part of a Fulbright Grant at the Antall József Knowledge Centre in Budapest, Hungary.


The Preface attached here introduces the topic and provides a breakdown of each essay. Click the links below to be taken directly to each of the six essays:

Essay 1: Econometric Analyses

Essay 2: Energy

Essay 3: Financial Services & Governance

Essay 4: Defense & Dual-Use

Essay 5: Agriculture

Essay 6: Policy Recommendations

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