Faculty Publications and Other Works -- Nursing
Submissions from 2024
Growing Up and Growing Older: Books for Young Readers: Counteracting Ageism and Promoting Positive Aging (2024), Sandra L. McGuire Dr.
Submissions from 2023
Effectiveness of End-of-Life Strategies to Improve Health Outcomes and Reduce Disparities in Rural Appalachia: An analytic codebook, Radion Svynarenko, Guoping Huang, Theresa L. Profant, and Lisa C. Lindley
Submissions from 2022
Growing Up and Growing Older: Books for Young Readers: Counteracting Ageism and Promoting Positive Aging, Sandra L. McGuire Dr.
Effectiveness of concurrent care to improve pediatric and family outcomes at the end of life: An analytic codebook, Radion Svynarenko, Theresa L. Profant, and Lisa C. Lindley
Submissions from 2020
Growing Up and Growing Older: Books for Young Readers, Sandra L. McGuire Dr.
Patients’ Experiences of Interprofessional Collaborative Practice in Primary Care: A Scoping Review of the Literature, Katherine H. Morgan, Cristina Sofia Barroso, Sarah Bateman, Melanie Dixson, and Kathleen Conroy Brown
Submissions from 2019
Hereditary Cancer Genetic Panel Testing: A Review of the Literature, Gillian P. Harris and Sadie P. Hutson
Submissions from 2018
A Discussion Paper on Stigmatizing Features of Diabetes, Samereh Abdoli, Mehri Doosti Irani, Lynda R. Hardy, and Martha Funnell
Submissions from 2016
Early Children's Literature and Aging, Sandra L. McGuire
Growing Up and Growing Older: Books for Young Readers, Sandra L. McGuire
Submissions from 2015
“It’s Killing Us!” Narratives of Black Adults About Microaggression Experiences and Related Health Stress, Joanne M. Hall and Becky Fields
Submissions from 2013
Preparing a Culturally Competence Nursing Workforce, Sandra Mixer, Karen M. Lasater, Kathy Mae Jenkins, Renee C. Burk, Mary Kathryn Oliver, Mindy Meyer, Carol Cruze, and Jeremy Mills
Submissions from 2012
Pilot study provides qualitative evidence for intrinsic motivation in schizophrenia spectrum disorders, Marian W. Roman, Lora Humphrey Beebe, and Renee Burk
Submissions from 2011
Becoming an older volunteer: A grounded theory study., J. W. Brown, S. L. Chen, Linda C. Mefford, A. Brown, B. Callen, and P. McArthur
Conceptual Debates and Empirical Evidence about the Peer Review Process for Scholarly Journals, Sandra Thomas
Submissions from 2010
Feasibility of the Walk, Address, Learn and Cue (WALC) Intervention for Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders, Lora Humphrey Beebe and Kathlene Smith
Abstract for Project HOPE Study, Janet W. Brown and Shu-li Chen
Lived experience of diabetes among older, rural people, S.R. George and Sandra Thomas
Martha Rogers, Mary Gunther
Rogers’ science of unitary human beings in nursing practice, Mary Gunther
Instructional design portfolio: A faculty development program for nurse educators learning to teach online., Debby Lee, Trena M. Paulus, Iryna Loboda, Gina Phipps, Tami Wyatt, Carole Myers, Sandy Mixer, and University of Tennessee - Knoxville
Authors' and editors' perspectives on peer review quality in three scholarly nursing journals, M.M. Shattell, P. Chinn, Sandra Thomas, and W.R. Cowling
Merleau-Ponty and James Agee: Guides to the Novice Phenomenologist, Sandra Thomas
Cooperative M-learning with Nurse Practitioner Students, Tami Wyatt
Submissions from 2009
Motivating Persons with Schizophrenia to Exercise: Rationale and Design, Lora Humphrey Beebe PhD, P MHNP-BC; Renee Burk; Kelly B. McIntyre; Kathlene Smith; Dawn Velligan; Barbara Resnick; Abbas Tavakoli; Cliff Tennison; and Olivera Dessieux
Ready for the World: Preparing Nursing Students for Tomorrow, Bonnie Callen and Jan L. Lee
Mental health patients' experiences of being misunderstood, L.M. Gaillard, M.M. Shattell, and Sandra Thomas
Embodied work: Insider perspectives on the work of HIV/AIDS peer counselors, D.K. Messias, L Moneyham, M. Vyavaharkar, C. Murdaugh, and Kenneth D. Phillips
Nursing Faculty Care Expressions, Patterns, and Practices Related to Teaching Culture Care, Sandra J. Mixer
The use of the ethnonursing qualitative research method to study culture care, Sandra J. Mixer, Hiba Wehbe-Alamah, Marilyn R. McFarland, and Renee Burke
Insomnia in HIV/AIDS, K.D. Phillips and S. Branson
Becoming a Reviewer, Sandra Thomas
Junior nursing students' experiences of vertical violence during clinical rotations, Sandra Thomas and R. Burk
Submissions from 2008
Obesity in Schizophrenia: Screening, Monitoring, and Health Promotion, Lora Humphrey Beebe
Examining Informed Consent in Persons with Schizophrenia, Lora Humphrey Beebe and Kathlene Smith
Telenursing Intervention Increases Psychiatric Medication Adherence in Schizophrenia Outpatients, Lora Humphrey Beebe, Kathlene Smith, Carol Crye, Caryn Addonizio, D. J. Strunk, Whitney Martin, and Josh Poche
Health and functioning of older adults volunteering for Habitat for Humanity, Janet W. Brown
Weight Gain in Overweight and Obese Community Dwelling Old-old, Bonnie Callen and G. Pemberton
Screening Instruments for Older Adult Depressive Disorders: Updating the Evidence-Based Toolbox, Bonnie Callen and Marian W. Roman
A Review of: “The Mindful Brain” W. W. Norton, New York, 2007 ISBN-0-393-70470-X, Bonnie Callen and Daniel J. Siegel
Deferred empathy: A construct with implications for the mental health of older adults, Mary Gunther
Faculty wisdom as teaching culture care within the indigenous context of the Southeastern United States, Sandra J. Mixer
Moderate Intensity Exercise Training Reverses Functional Aerobic Impairment in HIV-infected Individuals, Kenneth D. Phillips`
Breast Brachytherapy Outcomes Evaluation, Margaret S. Pierce
How patients and nurses experience the acute care psychiatric environment, M.M. Shattell, M. Andes, and Sandra Thomas
Life Trajectories of female child abuse survivors thriving in adulthood, Sandra Thomas and J.M. Hall
Submissions from 2007
What Can We Learn From Pilot Studies?, Lora Humphrey Beebe
Review of the book: The Anxious Brain: The Neurobiological Basis of Anxiety Disorders and how to Effectively Treat Them, Bonnie Callen
What it is like to be a hospital nurse, Mary Gunther
The relationship between leadership styles and empathy among student nurses, Mary Gunther, Ginger Evans, Linda Mefford, and Thomas R. Coe
Failed Promises: The Demise of the Original TennCare Vision, Carole R. Myers Dr.
A Look at Tuberculosis and Its Relationship to HIV/AIDS, Kenneth D. Phillips
Creativity in Older Adults: A Plethora of Possibilities, Kenneth D. Phillips
Social Support, Coping, and Medication Adherence Among HIV-Positive Women with Depression Living in Rural Areas of the Southeastern United States, Kenneth D. Phillips
"Take my hand, help me out:" Mental health recipients' experience of the therapeutic relationship, M.M. Shattell, S.S. Starr, and Sandra Thomas
Violence on campus: Practical recommendations for legal educators, H. Smith, Sandra Thomas, and C.M. Parker
When the diagnosis is disaster: Ethics and human rights, Susan Speraw
Understanding the Meaning of Urban Spaces and Places to Women: Impact on Health and Well-Being, Sandra Thomas
Submissions from 2006
Describing the Health Parameters of Outpatients with Schizophrenia, Lora Humphrey Beebe
My Side Walking Tall: A Person with Schizophrenia on a Journey to Better Health, Lora Humphrey Beebe
Inflammatory and immune system correlates of rape, M.W. Groer, Sandra Thomas, G.W. Evans, and S. Helton
Nurses' Narratives of unforgettable patient care events, M.E. Gunther and Sandra Thomas
Perceived stress in HIV-infected individuals: Phsyiological and psychological correlates, G.A. Hand, K.D. Phillips, and W.D. Dudgeion
HIV/AIDS peer counselors' perspectives on intervention delivery formats, D.K. Messias, L. Moneyham, C. Murdaugh, and K.D. Phillips
Predictors of quality of life in HIV-infected rural women: Psychometric test of the Chronic Illness Quality of Life Ladder, C. Murdaugh, L. Moneyham, K. Jackson, Kenneth D. Phillips, and A. Tavakoli
Alcohol and Other Drug Disorders, Comorbidity and Violence in Rural African American Women, Kenneth D. Phillips
Counteracting Muscle Wasting in HIV-infected Individuals, Kenneth D. Phillips
Spiritual Well-Being, Sleep Disturbance and Mental and Physical Health Status in HIV-infected Individuals, Kenneth D. Phillips
Talking it over with the gals: An analysis of editorials by Phyllis Stern, Sandra Thomas
Submissions from 2005
Effects of Exercise on the Health Parameters of Outpatients with Schizophrenia, Lora Humphrey Beebe
A Review of: “The Past in the Present” by Faith Gibson Baltimore, MD: Health Professions Press ISBN: 1-878812-87-4 Copyright: 2004, Bonnie Callen
Screening for Nutritional Risk in Community-Dwelling Old-Old, Bonnie Callen and Thelma J. Wells
An exploration of problematic interviewee behaviors in qualitative research, M. Collins, M. Shattell, and Sandra Thomas
Disaster and emergency communications prior to computers/Internet: a review, John W. Farnham
Patterns of Risk of Depressive Symptoms Among HIV-Positive Women in the Southeastern United States, Linda Moneyham, Carolyn Murdaugh, Kenneth D. Phillips, Kirby Jackson, Abbas Tavakoli, Mary Boyd, and Medha Vyavaharkar
Stress Reduction as a Means to Enhance Oral Immunity in HIV-infected Individuals, Kenneth D. Phillips
Through the lens of Merleau-Ponty:Advancing the phenomenological approach to nursing research, Sandra Thomas
Women's anger, agression, and violence, Sandra Thomas
Submissions from 2004
TIPS: Telephone Intervention-Problem Solving for persons with Schizophrenia, Lora Humphrey Beebe and Lili Tian
Physical Activity and Immunity in HIV-Infected Individuals, C.M. Bopp, Kenneth D. Phillips, L.J. Fulk, W.D. Dudgeon, and R.L. Sowell
Review of the Book: Vulnerable Populations in the Long Term Care Continuum, Bonnie Callen
Understanding Nutritional Health in Older Adults: A Pilot Study, Bonnie Callen
Frequency of Hallway Ambulation by Hospitalized Older Adults on Medical Units of an Academic Hospital, Bonnie Callen, Jane E. Mahoney, Carey B. Grieves, Thelma J. Wells, and Myra Enloe
Admission and Discharge Mobility of Frail Hospitalized Older Adults, Bonnie Callen, J. E. Mahoney, T. J. Wells, M. Enloe, and S. Hughes
"A fly in the buttermilk:" Descriptions of university life by successful Black undergraduate students at a predominately white southeastern university, M. Davis, Y. Dias-Bowie, K. Greenberg, G. Klukken, H.R. Pollio, Sandra Thomas, and C.L. Thompson
Physiological and Psychological Effects of Exercise Interventions in HIV Disease, Kenneth D. Phillips
Physiological and psychological correlates of fatigue in HIV/AIDS, Kenneth D. Phillips, R.L. Sowell, M. Rojas, and A. Tavakoli
Psychological and physiological correlates of sleep in HIV infection, Jennifer L. Robbins, Kenneth D. Phillips, Wesley D. Dudgeon, and Gregory A. Hand
The Interaction Model of Client Health Behavior as a conceptual guide in the explanation of children's health behaviors, C.H. Robinson and Sandra Thomas
Men's health and psychosocial issues affecting men, Sandra Thomas
School connectedness, anger behaviors, and relationships of violent and nonviolent youth, Sandra Thomas and H. Smith
Submissions from 2003
A randomized, placebo controlled, trial of preoperative sustained release Betamethasone plus non-controlled intraoperative Ketorolac or Fentanyl on pain after diagnostic laparoscopy or laparoscopic tubal ligation [ISRCTN52633712], Warren P. Bagley, A. Audie Smith, Jessie D. Hebert, Carolyn C. Snider, Gary A. Sega, Marsha D. Piller, Paula C. Carney, and Roger C. Carroll
Theory-Based Research in Schizophrenia, Lora Humphrey Beebe
Clinical Implications of Therapeutic Exercise in HIV/AIDS, C. Bopp, Kenneth D. Phillips, L.J. Fulk, and G.A. Hand
Hospital Resource Utilization and Functional Decline of Geriatric Patients, Bonnie Callen, M. E. Murray, and T. J. Wells
Views of Community-Dwelling, Old-Old People on Barriers and Aids to Nutritional Health, Bonnie Callen and Thelma J. Wells
Disclosure of HIV Infection: How do women decide to tell?, R.L. Sowell, B.F. Seals, Kenneth D. Phillips, and C.H. Julious
Men's anger: A phenomenological exploration of its meaning in a middle class sample of American men, Sandra Thomas