MTAS Publications: Technical Bulletins
Submissions from 2013
Technical Bulletins: Sales Tax Revenue: How to Get Your Fair Share (2013), Al Major
Technical Bulletins: Energy Efficiency Conservation Block Grant Program in Tennessee, Warren Nevad and Hillary Nevad
Technical Bulletins: Propane for Tennessee Fleets: A Primer for Municipal/County Officials, Warren Nevad and Hillary Nevad
Technical Bulletins: Interviewing and the Law (2012), Richard Stokes
Technical Bulletins: Use of Acquired Structures for Training (2013), Dennis Wolf
Submissions from 2012
Technical Bulletins: Selling Surplus City Property: Suggestions for an Ethical and Transparent Process, David Angerer
Technical Bulletins: Hotel-Motel Tax in Tennessee Cities (2012), Ron Darden
Technical Bulletins: State Street Aid Fund Revenues and Expenditures: On the Road to Understanding (2012), Ron Darden
Technical Bulletins: The Relocation of Utilities for State Highway Construction (2012), Ron Darden
Technical Bulletins: Developing Your City's Archival Policy for Electronically Stored Information (2012), Josh Jones and Justin O'Hara
Technical Bulletins: State Tax Rate on Utility Sales to Manufacturers (2012), Al Major
Technical Bulletins: Disposing of a PC, Justin O'Hara
Technical Bulletins: Online Data Backup (2012), Justin O'Hara
Technical Bulletins: The Five Basic Steps for Registering a Domain Name for Your Municipality (2012), Justin O'Hara
Technical Bulletins: ISO Offers Free Services to Fire Chiefs, Dennis Wolf
Technical Bulletins: Let Me Tell You a Story: How an Annual Report Will Benefit Your Fire Department, Dennis Wolf
Technical Bulletins: Use of Acquired Structures for Training, Dennis Wolf
Submissions from 2011
Technical Bulletins: Amendments to the General Law Mayor-Aldermanic Charter (2010), Stephanie Allen and Steve Lobertini
Technical Bulletins: Should Your City Consider Privatization? (2011), David Angerer
Technical Bulletins: Ten Simple Questions on Code Adoption for Towns and Cities in Tennessee (2011), Ray Crouch and Dennis Wolf
Technical Bulletins: The Relocation of Utilities for State Highway Construction (2011), Don Darden
Technical Bulletins: Hotel-Motel Tax in Tennessee Cities (2011), Ron Darden
Technical Bulletins: State Street Aid Fund Revenues and Expenditures: On the Road to Understanding (2011), Ron Darden
Technical Bulletins: Census Figures Help Cities Redistrict (2011), Gary Jaeckel
Technical Bulletins: Accommodating Nursing Mothers in the Workplace (2011), Bonnie Jones
Technical Bulletins: ADA Amendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA): Back to Basics (2011), Bonnie Jones
Technical Bulletins: Tennessee Reservists' Leave of Absence (2011), Bonnie Jones
Technical Bulletins: Amendments to the General Law Mayor-Aldermanic Charter, Steve Lobertini and Stephanie Allen
Technical Bulletins: Non-Metered Water Usage (2011), Al Major
Technical Bulletins: Compressed Natural Gas for Tennessee Municipal Fleets: A Primer for Municipal Officials (2011), Warren Nevad and Hillary Nevad
Technical Bulletins: Fair Credit Reporting Act (2011), Richard Stokes
Technical Bulletins: OSHA Changes Forms and Procedures for Reporting Occupational Injuries and Illnesses (2011), Richard Stokes
Technical Bulletins: Opt-In for Residential Inspections to Save Money and Lives, Dennis Wolf
Submissions from 2010
Technical Bulletins: Administrative Inspection Warrants (2010), Melissa Ashburn
Technical Bulletins: Conducting Effective Roadblocks (2010), Melissa Ashburn
Technical Bulletins: Municipal Travel Policy (2010), Melissa Ashburn
Technical Bulletins: Health Insurance Premiums as Salary for Municipal Elected Officials and Employees, Don Darden
Technical Bulletins: Physical Fitness in Public Safety (2010), Don Darden
Technical Bulletins: Hotel-Motel Tax in Tennessee Cities (2010), Ron Darden
Technical Bulletins: IRS Rules for Diesel Fuel and Gasoline Purchases (2010), Ron Darden
Technical Bulletins: State Street Aid Fund Revenues and Expenditures on the Road to Understanding (2010), Ron Darden
Technical Bulletins: President Signs Law Amending the Family and Medical Leave Act (2010), Bonnie Jones
Technical Bulletins: Requirements for Non-Metered Water Usage (2010), Al Major
Technical Bulletins: City Recorder Certification Update (2010), Margaret Norris
Technical Bulletins: Auditor Communication, Did You Know?, Kay Stegall
Technical Bulletins: New Audit Standards: What Do They Mean to Local Governments?, Kay Stegall
Technical Bulletins: OSHA Changes Forms and Procedures for Reporting Occupational Injuries and Illnesses (2010), Richard Stokes
Technical Bulletins: Revision to Employment Eligibility Verification Form I-9 (2010), Richard Stokes
Technical Bulletins: Changes to the Cooperative Purchasing Agreement Law, Rick Whitehead
Submissions from 2009
Technical Bulletins: IRS Rules for Diesel Fuel and Gasoline Purchases (2009), Ron Darden
Technical Bulletins: ADA Amendments Act of 2008: Back to Basics (2009), Bonnie Jones
Technical Bulletins: Municipal and Personal Liability Under the Tennessee Governmental Tort Liability Act (2009), Ronnie Neill
Submissions from 2008
Technical Bulletins: Should Your City Consider Privatization? (2008), David Angerer
Technical Bulletins: Unemployment Insurance: Premium Paying vs. Reimbursement, David Angerer
Technical Bulletins: How to Conduct a City Council Meeting Based on Roberts' Rules of Order, Melissa Ashburn
Technical Bulletins: Municipal Travel Policy (2008), Melissa Ashburn
Technical Bulletins: Open Meetings in Tennessee: Compliance with the Public Meetings Law (2007), Melissa Ashburn
Technical Bulletins: Independent Contractor vs. Employee, Ralph Cross
Technical Bulletins: Tranquilizer Guns and Animal Control (2008): Let Sleeping Dogs Lie, Don Darden
Technical Bulletins: Census Figures Help Cities Redistrict (2008), Gary Jaeckel
Technical Bulletins: Essentials of the Pension Protection Act, Bonnie Jones
Technical Bulletins: City Recorder Certification Update (2008), Margaret Norris
Technical Bulletins: Considerations for Any City Thinking About Developing a New Sewer System, Sharon Rollins
Technical Bulletins: Interviewing and the Law (2008), Richard Stokes
Technical Bulletins: Biomonitoring for the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System Permit (NPDES) (2008), Steve Wyatt
Submissions from 2007
Technical Bulletins: Municipal Travel Policy, Melissa Ashburn
Technical Bulletins: Residential Refuse Collection Technologies, John Chlarson
Technical Bulletins: SAFETEA-LU Transportation Funding for Tennessee Cities, Don Darden
Technical Bulletins: Hotel-Motel Tax in Tennessee Cities (2007), Ron Darden
Technical Bulletins: IRS Rules for Diesel Fuel and Gasoline Purchases (2007), Ron Darden
Technical Bulletins: State Street Aid Fund Revenues and Expenditures on the Road to Understanding (2007), Ron Darden
Technical Bulletins: Developing Your City's Archival Policy for Electronically Stored Information, Josh Jones and Justin O'Hara
Technical Bulletins: Amendments to the General Law Mayor-Aldermanic Charter (2007), Steve Lobertini
Technical Bulletins: Annual Reporting Requirements of the State Division of Local Finance, Al Major
Technical Bulletins: GASB Statement 34, Al Major
Technical Bulletins: City Recorder Certification Update, Margaret Norris
Technical Bulletins: Primer on Performance Measurements for Municipal Public Works Departments, Sharon Rollins
Technical Bulletins: Sand for Wastewater Drying Beds, Brett Ward
Technical Bulletins: Disinfection Options for Potable Water Systems, Steve Wyatt
Submissions from 2006
Technical Bulletins: Should Your City Consider Privatization?, David Angerer
Technical Bulletins: Ten Simple Questions on Code Adoption for Towns and Cities in Tennessee (2006), Ray Crouch
Technical Bulletins: Hotel-Motel Tax in Tennessee Municipalities, Ron Darden
Technical Bulletins: Hotel/Motel Tax in Tennessee Municipalities, Ron Darden
Technical Bulletins: Amendments to the General Law Mayor-Aldermanic Charter, Steve Lobertini
Technical Bulletins: Primer on Performance Measurements for Municipal Public Works Departments, Sharon Rollins
Technical Bulletins: Good Service Request Systems Keep Customers Happy (2006), Steve Wyatt and Justin O'Hara
Submissions from 2005
Technical Bulletins: Municipal Travel Policy, Melissa Ashburn
Technical Bulletins: Open Meetings in Tennessee: Compliance with the Public Meetings Law, Melissa Ashburn
Technical Bulletins: Hotel/Motel Tax in Tennessee Municipalities, Ron Darden
Technical Bulletins: State Street Aid Fund Expenditures: On the Road to Understanding, Ron Darden
Technical Bulletins: Amending Comprehensive Growth Plans, Dennis Huffer and David Connor
Technical Bulletins: Amendments to the General Law Mayor-Aldermanic Charter, Steve Lobertini
Technical Bulletins: Sales Tax Revenue: How to Get Your Fair Share, Al Major
Submissions from 2004
Technical Bulletins: Amendments to the General Law Mayor-Aldermanic Charter, Steve Lobertini
Technical Bulletins: City Recorder Certification Update, Margaret Norris
Technical Bulletins: Disinfection Options for Potable Water Systems, Steve Wyatt