MTAS Publications: Full Publications
Submissions from 1994
Public Works Standards & Specifications, Edward C. Archer
Special Censuses: Ruminating About Enumerating?, Rebecca G. Crowder and Mary Beatty
Local Government Documents: A Checklist for Tennessee Public Libraries, Carol C. Hewlett and Barbara Groves
Tennessee Public Acts 1994: Summaries of Interest to Municipal Officials, Dennis Huffer
Utility Manual: Ideas and Alternatives for Addressing Water and Sewer Fund Issues (1994), W. Ken Joines
State Street Aid Fund Expenditures: On the Road to Understanding, W. Ken Jones
The 1994 MTAS Publications Catalog, Municipal Technical Advisory Service
Submissions from 1993
Tennessee Public Acts 1993: Summaries of Interest to Municipal Officials, Dennis Huffer
Helping Tennessee Cities Move Ahead, Municipal Technical Advisory Service
The 1993 MTAS Publications Catalog, Municipal Technical Advisory Service
Submissions from 1992
Determining Wastewater User Service Charge Rates, Haig Farmer, William J. Finane Jr., and Sharon H. Fitzgerald
Getting to Know and Maybe Love Your Municipal Charter, Sid Hemsley
Tennessee Public Acts 1992: Summaries of Interest to Municipal Officials, Dennis Huffer
Managing Your Utility's Money: The Participant's Manual, Municipal Technical Advisory Service
Managing Your Utility's Money: The Trainer's Manual, Municipal Technical Advisory Service
Eminent Domain in Tennessee: An Attorney's Guide, James L. Murphy
Elements of a Utility Rate Study, Sharon Rollins
A Look at the Americans with Disabilities Act: A Guide to Compliance for Tennessee Local Governments (3rd Edition), Leslie Shechter and Marie Allen Murphy
Records: What to Save, What to Toss...and When, Harold R. Yungmeyer
Submissions from 1991
Municipal Law Report 1991, Dennis W. Huffer
Petroleum Underground Storage Tanks: What You Need to Know, M. Elizabeth McCroskey
Submissions from 1990
1990 Local Government Fleet Assessment, Frank E. Kirk
Municipal Budget Workshop, MTAS and The University of Tennesse Center for Government Training
Finding Money For Municipal Water and Wastewater Projects in Tennessee, Municipal Technical Advisory Service
How to Conduct a City Council Meeting Based on Roberts' Rules of Order, Municipal Technical Advisory Service
Model Personnel Policies and Procedures, Richard Stokes
Submissions from 1989
Fire Station Location Study Model, Stuart Bayne
City of Knoxville Department of Public Services Organization and Operations Study, Elwyn Bembry, Thomas A. Brant, Joe Muscatello, and Mike Tallent
Community Service Offenders: Municipal Liability for Community Service Probationers, Sid Hemsley
Utility Manual: Ideas and Alternatives for Addressing Water and Sewer Fund Issues (1989), W. Ken Joines
Municipal Law Enforcement Management Report 1989 No. 2: Managing Liability Exposure: A Model for Law Enforcement, Phillip E. Keith
Municipal Law Enforcement Management Report 1989 No. 3: Weapons Retention, Phillip E. Keith
Legal Issues for Municipal Officials, Municipal Technical Advisory Service
Superfund Overview 1986-1989, Municipal Technical Advisory Service
Annexation Handbook for Cities and Towns in Tennessee [archived material], Eugene Puett
Workplace Substance Abuse: What Employers Can Do, Richard Stokes
Submissions from 1988
The Sparta/White County Experience: An Attempt to Unify Governments, Ron Fults and Joe Muscatello
Legal Considerations Involved in the Hiring Decision (Or "Do I Really Have to Hire That Person?"), Sid Hemsley
Municipal Courts in Tennessee - A Constitutional and Statutory Primer, Sid Hemsley
Municipal Law Report No. 5, Dennis W. Huffer
The Police Response to Domestic Violence Incidents, Phillip E. Keith
Guided Discovery: Playing and Winning the Economic Development Game, Municipal Technical Advisory Service
Small Cities Police Manual Guide, Joe Muscatello
What About Pit Bulls, Don W. Ownby
Submissions from 1987
Observations on the Relationships Between Population Changes, Tax Rates and Levels of Debt, Thomas A. Brant
Federal Courts Fold, Spindle and Mutilate Sexual Harassment, Sid Hemsley
Municipal Officials Certificate Training Program, Municipal Technical Advisory Service
The Tennessee Mayor-Aldermen Charter, Municipal Technical Advisory Service
Tennessee Superfund Program Overview, Rules, Regulations & List, Randy Williams
Submissions from 1986
Drainage Management, Robert Alley, Gene Puett, Cathy Moore-Jansen, and Frank E. Kirk
Guide to Compliance With the Fair Labor Standards Act for Tennessee Municipalities, Richard M. Ellis
Standard Operating Procedures for Fire Departments, Richard M. Ellis
1986-1987 Municipal Planning Calendar, Municipal Technical Advisory Service
The Right To Know: A Handbook for Local Government Officials on Tennessee's Public Records and Open Meeting Laws, Municipal Technical Advisory Service
Standard Operating Procedures for Fire Departments, C. L. Overman
Submissions from 1985
Revenue Manual for Tennessee Cities, Jim Finane
Leases and Lease Purchase Agreements - Some Basic Considerations, Sid Hemsley
Public Acts and the Legislative Process in Tennessee, Dennis Huffer
Municipal Utility Rates in Tennessee, Ken Joines
A Guide to Records Management for Tennessee Municipalities, Amy Snider McCabe
1985-96 MTAS Municipal Planning Calendar, Municipal Technical Advisory Service
Helping Municipal Officials Build a Better Tennessee, Municipal Technical Advisory Service
Submissions from 1984
Budget Manual for Tennessee Cities, Center for Government Training and Municipal Technical Advisory Service
Guidelines for Aiding Tennessee Municipalities in Securing Insurance Bids, Wm. Gary Head and Mike Tallent
Handbook for the Office of the City Recorder/Finance Officer in Tennessee, E. W. Meisenhelder III
Tennessee Municipal Handbook Third Edition (1984), MTAS
A Guide to Public Works Standards & Specifications, Municipal Technical Advisory Service
The Tennessee Mayor-Aldermen Charter, Municipal Technical Advisory Service
The Local Sales Tax Handbook for Local Officials, Municipal Technical Advisory Service and County Technical Assistance Service Agencies of the Institute for Public Service
The Basics of a Water & Sewer Rate Study, Joe Muscatello
Budget Manual for Tennessee Cities (1984), Michael Tallent and Robert W. Freson
Budget Manual for Tennessee Cities, Mike Tallent and Robert W. Freson
Personnel Management: A Manual for Small Municipalities, Harold R. Yungmeyer
Submissions from 1983
The Local Sales Tax Handbook for Local Officials, Municipal Technical Advisory Service and County Technical Assistance Service Agencies of the Institute for Public Service
Budget Preparation Manual, The University of Tennessee Center for Government Training and Municipal Technical Advisory Service
Submissions from 1982
Local Government Risk Management Handbook, William W. Dotterweich, Donald F. Norris, and Robert L. Sinclair
Submissions from 1981
Final Report to the National Science Foundation, Donald F. Norris
Sample Code of Ordinances for Small Cities and Towns in Tennessee, Don W. Ownby
Submissions from 1980
Tennessee Municipal Handbook Second Edition (1980), MTAS
Report to the National Science Foundation, Donald F. Norris
Submissions from 1979
Eminent Domain in Tennessee, Bartholomew, Cleary, Strokes & Mudter
Municipal Cost Cutters , Municipal Technical Advisory Service
Submissions from 1978
Amendments to the Constitution Proposed by the Limited Constitutional Convention, Municipal Technical Advisory Service
The Local Sales Tax Handbook for Local Officials, The University of Tennessee's County Technical Assistance Service and Municipal Technical Advisory Service
Submissions from 1976
An Analysis of the 1953 Tennessee Home Rule Amendment (2nd Edition), Victor C. Hobday
An Energy Program for Tennessee Cities, Municipal Technical Advisory Service
Submissions from 1973
Sample Code of Ordinances for Small Cities and Towns in Tennessee, Don W. Ownby
Submissions from 1970
Sample Police Officers Duty Manual, C. J. Fleming and Harold V. Guerin
How To Put the Thanks Back In, Municipal Technical Advisory Service
The Tennessee Mayor-Aldermen Charter, Municipal Technical Advisory Service
Submissions from 1968
Uniform City Manager-Commission Charter, Municipal Technical Advisory Service
Submissions from 1963
Selective Bibliography on Municipal Government, Miriam E. Bass and Edwin D. Martin
Submissions from 1956
An Analysis of the 1953 Tennessee Home Rule Amendments: Number 6 and Number 7, Victor C. Hobday
Submissions from 1953
Documents Relating to Joint Electric System Municipal Buildings, Victor C. Hobday
Municipal Services to Fringe Area Residents: A Survey of Tennessee Practices, Harlan Mathews
[Home Rule Campaign for TML], Municipal Technical Advisory Service
How You Can Use It [the 1c Street Aid Revenue], Municipal Technical Advisory Service