"Let's Get Physical! Teaching Mathematics through the Lens of Physics" by Peggy Bertrand Ph.D. and Lauren Jeneva Clark Ph.D.

Faculty Publications and Other Works -- Mathematics

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



In 2017, a professional development project, Let's Get Physical! Teaching Mathematics through the Lens of Physics, was funded by a Tennessee Higher Education Commission (THEC) Improving Teacher Quality (ITQ) grant, and was hosted by the University of Tennessee Department of Mathematics. These proceedings contain physics-based secondary mathematics lessons that guided this project. For example, in one lesson, tracking the behavior of live insects helps students learn about displacement, velocity, geometry, and measurement. In another, dropping coffee filters helps students learn about drag, logarithms, and graphical methods. Lasers and lenses can be used to teach reflection and refraction, and one lesson aligns this with geometry standards. Other lessons involve springs, pendulums, and circuit boards.

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