Mathematics | University of Tennessee, Knoxville Research | TRACE: Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange



Department Chair: Xiaobing Feng, Head

The department's mission is the discovery and dissemination of pure and applied mathematics, including, but not limited to, algebra, analysis, differential geometry, mathematical ecology, numerical analysis, ordinary and partial differential equations, probability, scientific computing, and topology.

Our faculty publish numerous books and research articles and regularly present their research at major conferences and symposia. Many hold research grants from national agencies and several serve on editorial boards for journals and as officers in important mathematical and scientific organizations. We teach a complete spectrum of mathematics courses. We offer a comprehensive undergraduate program, a nationally recognized honors program for undergraduates, a summer Research Experience for Undergraduates, and several graduate programs leading to masters and doctoral degrees. Many of our faculty have won teaching awards. Our service to the community includes running the annual UT/Pro2Serve Math Contest for high school students, and hosting Barrett Lectures and other conferences.

Mathematics Departmental Page


Browse the Mathematics Collections:

Faculty Publications and Other Works -- Mathematics

Mathematics Events

Mathematics Masters Theses

Mathematics PhD Dissertations

Mathematics Undergraduate Honors Theses

New Frontiers in Probability