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CSCMP Supply Chain Quarterly
Document Type
Publication Date
Winter 12-2022
To succeed in a dynamic business environment, companies need a structured approach to enhancing supply chain agility. They should start by identifying what digital tools, physical assets, and processes can help them avoid disruptions while capitalizing on opportunities.
Recommended Citation
Pellathy, Daniel A., Pradeep Charath, and J. Paul Dittmann. December/Q4 2022. “How To Avoid the Next Crisis: A New Approach to Supply Chain Agility.” CSCMP Supply Chain Quarterly.
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This research was conducted through the University of Tennessee's Advanced Supply Chain Collaborative (ASCC). ASCC works as a collaborative think tank, bringing together industry leaders and faculty experts to explore advanced concepts in supply chain management. The project was conducted over two years (2020–2022). Additional information about ASCC and the full white paper this article is based on can be found here: