"How to Help Your 3PLs Manage Returns Better" by Daniel A. Pellathy, Ivan Russo et al.

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Supply Chain Management Review Online

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During the past decade, 3PLs have honed their reverse logistics capabilities across multiple industries. But most companies fail to leverage this experience to spot opportunities for improvement. Rather, companies tend to micromanage their 3PLs through strict metrics and tight tolerances. As a result, 3PLs end up performing to rigid scorecards rather than looking for ways to improve the system.

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During the past decade, 3PLs have honed their reverse logistics capabilities across multiple industries. But most companies fail to leverage this experience to spot opportunities for improvement. Rather, companies tend to micromanage their 3PLs through strict metrics and tight tolerances. As a result, 3PLs end up performing to rigid scorecards rather than looking for ways to improve the system.

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