UT Libraries Faculty: Peer-Reviewed Publications
Source Publication
Reference & User Services Quarterly
Document Type
Publication Date
Summer 2014
Researchers developed an information evaluation activity used in one-shot library instruction for English composition classes. The activity guided students through evaluation using the “Five Ws” method of inquiry (who, what, when, etc.). A summative assessment determined student recall and application of the method. Findings, consistent over two semesters, include that 66.0 percent of students applied or recalled at least one of the Five Ws, and 20.8 percent of students applied or recalled more than one of its six criteria. Instructors were also surveyed, with 100 percent finding value in the method and 83.3 percent using or planning to use it in their own teaching.
Recommended Citation
Radom, Rachel, and Rachel W. Gammons. "Teaching Information Evaluation with the 5 Ws: An Elementary Method, an Instructional Scaffold, and the Effect on Student Recall and Application." Reference & User Services Quarterly 53, no. 4 (Summer 2014): 334-347.
Submission Type
Publisher's Version
For a copy of the worksheet used in the library session, go to: https://www.oercommons.org/authoring/19364-evaluating-information-sources-using-the-5-ws