"In Person, Online and In Between: Finding Balance as Instruction Incre" by Anna Sandelli

UT Libraries Faculty: Other Publications and Presentations

Source Publication

The Innovative Library Classroom

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Publication Date



One‐shot sessions. Larger‐scale auditorium assemblies. An assignment‐embedded LibGuide. Over the span of three years, library instruction for Public Speaking, one of our university’s largest enrollment general education courses, has shifted from the classroom to the computer screen. This shift has presented new opportunities for assessment while promoting scalability and flexibility. At the same time, it has limited opportunities for enrolled students to see librarians as partners in, and resources for, their research process. This session will highlight learnings involved in transitioning to an online information literacy approach and librarians’ exploration of supplementary offerings to support both students and instructors. In addition to discussing takeaways applicable to a variety of instructional settings, participants will be encouraged to join in an ongoing conversation about finding equilibrium between fostering student connections and providing scalable, sustainable instruction.

CMST TILC Handout Sandelli.pdf (115 kB)

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