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Athletics, Basketball, Lady Vols, Lesbian


Jenny Moshak




Women's Athletics

Time at UTK

19 years



Gender Identity






Type of Story


Date of Interview



Jenny Moshak is in her 21st year with the Lady Vols. She directs all sports medicine, athletic training, rehabilitation, strength and conditioning of the players on the eleven women’s teams at UT and continues to work directly with basketball, traveling with the team. Moshak’s vision led to the creation of Team ENHANCE, an unique program which creates a healthy culture for the Lady Vol student-athletes so they can achieve personal bests in their sports and in their lives. Under her leadership, the Women’s Athletics Department established the program to assist student-athletes in the nutritional, mental and emotional aspects of performance, with the guidance of UT professional staff, coaches and a comprehensive group of medical experts from the private sector. A graduate of Western Michigan in physical education, Moshak also holds a master's degree from UT in exercise physiology. She spent one year on the sports medicine/athletic training staff at Penn State before returning to UT as head athletic trainer in 1989. The Skokie, Ill., native has been a certified member of the National Athletic Trainers’ Association since 1986 and a certified strength and conditioning specialist since 1997. She is an adjunct professor with the exercise science department at UT. A frequent speaker at conferences and workshops across the country, she is often invited to write articles for sports-related magazines. Jenny Moshak has been the recipient of numerous awards, among them Western Michigan University Academy of Honors Award; four Governor’s Outstanding Tennessean Awards; the Chancellor’s Citation of Extraordinary Service to the University; the Team Excellence Award, and the Women of Achievement Award. The USA Olympic Committee cited her for “Outstanding Athletic Training Support at the United States Olympic Festival. An avid cyclist, she rode across the country with America By Bicycle, covering over 2900 miles in 27 days, an average of 120 miles per day; biked in England and Wales and most recently gloried in a twelve day jaunt of some 735 miles and 57,700 feet climbing in the Blue Ridge Parkway and Shenandoah Valley area.

© Voices of Diversity
University of Tennessee Commission for LGBT People

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

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Question 1: Tell us a little bit about yourself, your position, and your experience here at UT.

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Question 2: How would you identify yourself?

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Question 3: Are you out on campus and if so, what is it like?

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Question 3.1: What made you take a more active role in stepping out for social justice in all of its forms?

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Question 4: How do you feel about this campus' inclusion in the past and now? Has it changed?

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Question 5: You mentioned you had been here for nineteen years. Tell us a little bit about how things were in those early years as far as networking. What was being gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender on campus like back then? Where there outlets or networking?

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Question 6: You were talking earlier about the student population that you work with. I would be curious as to your observations of if there is a difference in the student population that you work with as far as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender issues, as opposed to the student population in general?

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Question 7: Have you experienced any discrimination on campus or known of students or others who have?

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Question 8: Talk about your role as an out mentor to students. What impact do out administrators, faculty, and staff have on students?

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Question 9: Do you ever talk to your peers at other institutions and how might the campus climate for LGBT people be different at other institutions versus ours?

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Question 10: What would you like your peers/colleagues to know about what it is like to be gay on this campus?

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Question 11: What would you say to someone who questioned why LGBT issues had to be included in the definition of diversity?

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Question 12: Is there anything you would want people to know about you personally, other than your identification as a lesbian?

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Question 13: Is there anything else you would like to tell us about LGBT issues at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville?

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Question 14: If you were able to look into the future, where would you see this Knoxville campus, related to LGBT issues, say in 10 or 20 years? Or what would you hope it would look like?

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Question 15: Is there anything else you would like to add?

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Photograph of Jenny Moshak

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