Submission Guidelines for Voices of Diversity

Your story is important! It reflects your own experiences and aspirations during your association with the University of Tennessee. It acts as a powerful message to other LGBT people by letting them know they are not alone on campus. Your story brings visibility and raises awareness of LGBT issues and concerns. Additionally, your story helps to develop a supportive leaning environment by becoming a positive role model to LGBT students, faculty, staff, alumni and allies.


The story or stories you contribute to the archive can be written or typed text, audio, video, photographic essays, or a combination thereof. You must be 18 years of age or older and sign an informed consent statement to participate. Collaborative group participation is encouraged, but each participant will need to submit the necessary forms and meet with the archivists.

If you would like to contribute a story, e-mail your name, phone number, and regularly available meeting times to a project archivist (Donna Braquet or Roger Weaver). All meetings will be confidential and will include only you and one or both project archivists.

Your first meeting will include:

  • An overview of Voices of Diversity
  • A discussion of requirements (should you choose to participate)

    1. Must be 18 years of age or older
    2. Read and sign an informed consent statement
    3. Complete a submission form
    4. Stories can not threaten violence, contain copyrighted content, contain identifying information of others without their permission or be sexually explicit
  • An explanation of the Informed Consent Form
  • Clarification of any questions or concerns
  • A discussion of the options available for submitting your story

    1. Submit a prepared story at the first meeting
    2. Submit a prepared story at a later date
    3. Be interviewed at the first meeting
    4. Be interviewed at a later date
    A subsequent meeting after you have submitted your story will include:

    • A review of your story
    • Your agreement to accept the story as is

      1. Signature of Deed of Gift transferring your story to the archive
    • Should you not accept your story as is, additional changes can be made until you are satisfied
    Examples of the forms discussed above are available in the Documents Library for your review. These forms will be explained in detail during your first meeting. Do not bring pre-signed forms to your meetings as it is necessary for you to sign all forms in the presence of an archivist. Participation in Voices of Diversity is completely voluntary.