Document Type


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Assistant Dean, Chair of Commission for LGBT People


George H. Hoemann




Distance Education and Independent Study

Time at UTK

18 years



Gender Identity






Type of Story


Date of Interview



Dr. George H. Hoemann is Assistant Dean for Distance Education and holds the Ph.D. in American Constitutional-Legal History from Rice University (1982) and the M.S.L.S. from the University of Tennessee (1995). His publications include What God Hath Wrought: the Embodiment of Freedom in the Thirteenth Amendment as well as assistant or associate editor on numerous volumes of the Papers of John Marshall, the Papers of Thomas Jefferson and the Papers of Andrew Jackson. He is the co-author and maintainer of the American Civil War Homepage (, an award-winning gateway to online materials. Hoemann has taught undergraduate and graduate-level classes at UT concerning the Information Age, served on the University's Intellectual Property committee and has conducted intensive workshops and an online course on these issues in Tennessee and the Southeast.

The oldest of seven children, Hoemann is a native of Iowa and was employed at the College of William and Mary and Princeton University before coming to the University of Tennessee in 1988.

Hoemann and two other UT colleagues helped found the Commission for LGBT People in December 2006; at the inaugural meeting of the commission he was elected chair and subsequently re-elected in May 2008. He also serves on the Commission for Women, the Commission for Blacks, and the Council on Diversity and Interculturalism. With his partner, Roger Weaver, Hoemann lives in a renovated Victorian home in Knoxville’s 4th & Gill historic neighborhood. He enjoys opera, classical music, gardening, cooking and old movies.

© Voices of Diversity
University of Tennessee Commission for LGBT People

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

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Question 1: Could you tell us a story about being LGBT on the UTK campus?

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Question 2: So thinking back to 95 and that time how did you perceive the wider campus community?

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Question 3: So talk a little about the Commission for LGBT people.

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Question 4: You have commented on some of the achievements of the commission, could you tell us a little about its purpose?

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Question 5: So it seems that in recent years things have been changing. How do you feel about the general campus environment now and where it's heading?

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Question 6: In what ways do you see UT Knoxville as being different from or similar to other universities you have had experience with in relation to LGBT issues?

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Question 7: What would you like your peers or colleagues to know about how it feels to be LGBT on the UTK campus?

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Question 8: Is there anything you want your peers and colleagues to know about you more personally, you as a person?

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Question 9: You mention the issue of being invisible on campus. Thinking back to many years was there a way for LGBT people on campus to find each other or to know what struggles they might have been having with discrimination?

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Question 10: How do you feel about the future?

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Question 11: You talked a little bit about the future if you had to predict 5 years and 10 years where do you think UT Knoxville campus will be with LGBT issues? What will be going on?

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Question 12: What would you say to someone who asks why it is important to include LGBT in the definition of diversity and why that matters on campus?

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Question 13: Do you have anything else to add?

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Photograph of Dr. George H. Hoemann

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