Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Computer Science

Major Professor

Bruce Whitehead

Committee Members

Dinish P. Mehta, K. R. Kimble


While computers have grown more powerful and the operating systems that drive them have become easier to use, the process for installing new hardware has changed very little from the techniques used with the earliest computers The current method for installing new devices into a computer is much too complicated even for an experienced user and often results in hours of frustration. In spite of the fact that there has been phenomenal growth both in the speed and complexity of computers and the peripherals attached to them, the process for installing these devices remains user intensive This research addresses some of the shortcomings of the current process and defines an operating system called JmiOS,which implements the solutions proposed herein JmiOS allows devices to install themselves into any computer only when they are needed, without any setup and very little user intervention

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