Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Craig E. Barnes

Committee Members

Douglass D. Gilman


This thesis describes the development of sol-gel materials containing bifunctional phosphonate ligands for the extraction of Sr+2 and UO2+2 from solution. Previous techniques developed for removing Sr+2 and UO+2 ions from aqueous solutions have focused on solvent extraction methods. The extraction technique proposed here utilizes mesoporous sol-gel containing functionalized areas of phosphonate bifunctional compounds of the form

≡SiCH2CH2CH2P(O)(OEt)2, (≡SiCH2CH2CH2)2C[P(O)(OEt)2]2, and ((≡SiCH2CH2CH2P(O)(OEt)2)2(OCH2CH2O). By using a solid phase extraction sorbent, organic waste is minimized during the extraction process. The efficiency of Sr+2 and UO2+2 ions extraction by these developed materials was investigated. Studies Found that Sr+2 and UO2+2 did not absorb onto the phosphonate ester based ligand sorbents. Imprinted phosphonic acid based sorbents did exhibit high affinities for both Sr+2 over nonimprinted phosphonic acid based sorbents. These studies also showed no selectivity between Sr+2 and Ca+2. As for UO2+2, there was no increase in affinity for U02+2 between the imprinted and nonimprinted phosphonic acid based sorbents. However both sorbents showed selectivity between Ca+2 and U02+2. Finally, the imprinted phosphonic acid sorbents had fast kinetics and could be regenerated in 2.0 M HCI.

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