Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Major Professor

Arthur C. Echternacht, Thomas G. Hallam

Committee Members

Susan Riechert, Gordon M. Burghardt


In the population used for this study, A carolinensis shift habitats prior to the winter season to a south-facing rocky bluff where they seek refuge in crevices at night and during cloudy days (Gatten et al 1988,personal observations). In part II of this Thesis, I describe the thermal properties of the crevices and the behavior of the lizards in relationship to the crevices. Body Temperatures of lizards were recorded prior to emergence from the crevices to determine if there were temperature differences between lizards with different masses and to see if lizards could maintain body temperatures independent of crevice temperatures. The emergence order of the lizards from several crevices was observed to determine if an individual's position in the emergence sequence was random, and if it was not,what factors influenced emergence position. Also, light intensity, and air, crevice,and rock face temperatures were recorded to identify the major physical cues that trigger emergence from the crevices. Finally, the last section of Part II describes the winter and seasonal movements of the lizards. Movements were monitored to determine if lizards remain at the same crevice throughout the entire winter season and to see if individuals return to the same crevices the following winter season. Part III describes the winter sex ratio, size distribution, and growth of the lizards found on the bluff to see if individuals return to the same crevices the following winter season.

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