Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Don Hinton

Committee Members

Charles Collins, William Wade


The motivation for this discussion comes from a set of exercises in Borelli and Coleman's Ordinary Differential Equations: A Modeling Approach. In this particular set of exercises the focus is to model the amount of cold medication (antihistamines and decongestants) in the body. We will consider a two-compartment model with the two components being the GItract and the bloodstream, producing a two-dimensional system of ordinary differential equations. Initially we assume a simple linear model,then we increase the complexity by including a saturation effect in the amount of the drug clearing the bloodstream. We also examine three ways of doing the medication, administering just one dose, continuous dosing, and periodic dosing. Closed-form solutions are determined for the one dose, continuous dosing and non-saturation periodic cases, but only numerical solutions are given for the nonlinear, periodic cases. While we do not find closed-form solutions for the nonlinear, periodic cases we do explore their existence and stability. A software package called ODEArchitectis used to generate the numerical solutions to all the models in this thesis.

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