"An economical analysis of farming in Overton county, Tennessee" by S. W. Atkins

Masters Theses


S. W. Atkins

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Agricultural Extension

Major Professor

C. E. Allred

Committee Members

Theodore W. Hocker


This farm analysis was based on an economic analysis of fifty representative farms in Overton County. The material from this analysis was supplemented by United States Census reports, Climatological records, soil survey reports, and other data that would aid in a complete economic analysis of agricultural conditions and enable definite recommendations to be made for the improvement of agricultural conditions in this area.

The objects of this economic study were:

(1) To determine the factors that affect farm profits in that area.

(2) To discover the most profitable and the least profitable farms, and to study their organization and management to determine the reasons for their success or failure.

(3) To use these facts in making recommendations for changes in the organization and management of the farms in this county and of those counties on the northeast Highland Rim, having similar conditions.

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