Masters Theses
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Agricultural Economics
Major Professor
C. E. Allred
Committee Members
S. W. Atkins, C. E. Wylie
This is a preliminary study of Tennessee's forest situation, haring as one of its major objects a reconnaissance survey of the literature dealing with the history, present status, and marketing of forest products.
The first part of this study deals with the history and present status of the timber industry in both Tennessee and the United States and is intended to furnish a background for the marketing study which follows.
Part II is confined to the marketing of timber products, including such phases as marketing channels, industrial demands for the various classes and species of timber, and the methods of estimating quantities of timber. Additional information on lumber grades and specifications, prices, and items of cost in marketing timber has been compiled but are not included in this report. These phases, together with a more detailed study of the methods of marketing forest products in Tennessee, will provide a basis for a future report.
A directory of timber dealers in Tennessee and in bordering counties of adjoining states has been compiled and is available in the files of the Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Tennessee.
Recommended Citation
Fitzgerald, Frank M., "History, present status, and methods of marketing Tennessee forest products. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 1936.