"Short-Circuit Study of the Norris-Wheeler Transmission Line" by H. H. Gnuse Jr.

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts


Electrical Engineering

Major Professor

J.G. Tarboux

Committee Members

E.J. Fabian


The short-circuit study of the Norris-Wheeler transmission line as presented in this thesis was conducted on the basis of several simplifying assumptions which do not appreciably affect the accuracy of the work. These assumptions, which greatly facilitate a mathematical solution and, in fact, make a mathematical solution possible from a practical standpoint, are those which are normally employed when use is made of a direct-current calculating board. Most of these assumptions, as can be noticed from the following tabulation, tend to increase the calculated short-circuit currents over their actual value, thus keeping the results on the safe side as far as the purpose for which they are to be used is concerned.

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