"Statistical analysis of farm land values in Jefferson County, Tennesse" by Charles Daniel Mounger Jr.

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Agricultural Economics

Major Professor

W. P. Ranney

Committee Members

Donald G. Paris, A.J. Garbarino, J. T. Miles


This variability in farm land prices calls for an explanation. The intent of this thesis was to provide an explanation of this observed variability. An explanation was defined and used as the degree of association which existed between variables which could be used for predictions. The specific objectives are: (1) to isolate variables that can be measured and used as "explainers" of variability in farm land prices, (2) to use least squares regression techniques in estimating parameters for relevant variables included in a predicting equation, and (3) to present the techniques used in selecting explanatory variables.

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