"Selected elements involved in the development of local leadership for " by A. Gopinatha Menon

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Agricultural Extension

Major Professor

Lewis H. Dickson

Committee Members

Robert S. Dotson, Frank F. Bell, Charles L. Cleland


The present day tendency is to separate economic and social responsibilities. It is rather difficult to decide the importance of one over the other. However, both demand efficient and well-developed leadership. Potential leadership is present wherever human beings are gathered together. It is a social phenomenon which rests on the values of the human personality and capacity of individuals to make decisions in questions which affect them vitally. The basic problem in any democratic organization is that of recruiting, developing, and functioning of leaders at all levels from the smallest local group to the central government. The contemporary period in which more stress is laid on local government and the importance of the participation of all in the decision making of the group cannot be neglected. This complicates the task of professional leaders. To discharge the functions of professional leaders effectively they “need to be aware of the process by which a community develops its leaders and the ways in which a leader influences the community.” In other words, professional leaders should have sufficient insight in the development of local leadership and the strategic position of local leaders in the community. In view of the prime importance of these facts the present study was designed:

1. To examine the nature of local leadership.

2. To examine the process by which local leadership is developed in a community.

3. To develop a set of principles and procedures to serve as a guide for effective leadership training.

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