Masters Theses


J. V. Britton

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Animal Husbandry

Major Professor

W. W. Overcast


In 1959 enough milk and cream were used in the production of cottage cheese in the United States to fill a stream 2,000 miles long,10 feet wide and more than 12 inches deep. The vastness of this amount of milk would be hard for one to conceive, but the growing importance of cottage cheese to the dairy industry has been readily apparent in the rapidly increasing per capita consumption- - an almost steady increase from 0.6 pounds in 1910 to5.2 pounds in 1957 (53).

Cottage cheese is a highly nutritive and wholesome food containing all of the essential amino acids in about the proper nutritive balance, plus an abundance of vitamins and minerals. It has been compared favorably to good steak in food value for humans. Cottage cheese falls into the category of a soft unripened variety containing 75 to 80 per cent moisture. High moisture, coupled with the highly nutritive nature of cottage cheese makes it an excellent environment for the growth of many microorganisms. With increasing consumption and a demand for extended shelf life, the microorganisms which cause physical and organoleptic deterioration have become a major concern in the production of cottage cheese.

This work includes the manufacturing data, the bacterial flora, organoleptic evaluation and the keeping quality of 64 batches of cottage cheese made over an 11 month period from September 1958 through July 1959. The microorganism counts represent that which can be duplicated or even lowered for cottage cheese made in an average plant with only the aid of reasonable care in sanitation and recommended manufacturing methods.

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