"A Report of Nutrition Field Experiences with the Nutrition Consultant " by Elizabeth Terry Byars

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Beth Duncan

Committee Members

Harold H. Walker, Florence L. MacLeod


This thesis is based upon the student's observations and experiences during a period of 7 weeks' field training with the Nutrition Consultant of the Delaware State Board of Health, Dover, Delaware.

The purpose of the field experience was to help relate the academic training to actual experience and to integrate the student's knowledge of nutrition into a total health program. More specifically, the purpose was to observe the methods of one nutritionist as she functioned in a health department program.

Six weeks were spent learning about the organization, functions and program of the State Board of Health on the state level and one week on the county level. The student observed and participated in nutrition activities and conferred with State Board of Health and other health agency personnel. Some activities included in the experience were visits made to hospitals, institutions, clinics; professional, evaluation and other health related meetings; and field visits made with local health staff.

The student became familiar with the integration of nutrition throughout the entire program. She also became aware of the importance of good public relations on the part of the nutritionist, the importance of a nutritionist's professional advancement, and the importance of research studies in a health program. The student feels that she accomplished her objectives. As a result of these experiences, she feels she may become a better nutritionist.

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