Masters Theses
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Recent developments in the field of agricultural science, has helped in understanding many of the soil fertility problems. Soil fertility problems are not concerned with one or two interacting factors but concerned with many. The living plant is a complex system that responds continually to the environmental conditions. The soil in which the plant grows is a heterogeneous medium and plants respond by effecting a sort of physiological integration of the various factors concerned with growth. The specific study on the nutritional requirement for a particular crop depends mainly on the species, to which the crop belongs and the nutritional status of the soil.
The soybean–a legume–has assumed great importance in recent years because of its varied usefulness and offers far reaching possibilities in the agriculture of the future. The problem of raising the soybean yields is not simple because it is a plant of great genetic and morphological diversity. It varies in height from less than a foot to more than six feet and in habit of growth from stiffly erect to prostrate. The seed varies greatly in size, shape, color and in its chemical composition. Because of its distinct and variable growth characteristics, research workers are heading towards solving some of perplexing problems of soybean nutrition.
Because of the feet that the proper nutrition requirement for different crops varies with the fertility status of soil, a close study for a particular crop is required. In order to control the environmental factors, other than the one being studied, a controlled study is required. To accomplish this the present study was made under greenhouse conditions.
The present study was made in order to determine the effect of different rates of lime, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium application on the soybean yield and nutrient uptake of calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium on two different soil types by soybeans. Two soils used for the study were Tunica clay loam and Loring silt loam. These soils occur in the areas where soybeans are grown in Tennessee.
Recommended Citation
Yeligar, Mahadevappa Basappa, "Influence of liming on the yield and uptake of calcium, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus by soybeans grown on two different soils. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 1961.