"Outlook for the Tennessee Producers Livestock Marketing Association in" by Howard Stanley Wills

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Agricultural Economics

Major Professor

Irving Dubov

Committee Members

Sumner Griffin, Ccecil Fuller, Lewis Dickson, A. W. Woodard, Charles Cleland


The major purpose of this study is to determine the adequacy of existing livestock marketing facilities and services in the producers' association's trade area, and determining the position of Tennessee Producers Livestock Marketing Association in this marketing structure.

More specifically, the objectives of this study are:

1. To determine the existing facilities and services available to sellers of livestock in the 35=county area of Middle Tennessee served by the Tennessee Producers Livestock Marketing Association.

2. To establish the facilities and services that would be adequate for anticipated volumes of animals moving through the terminal and auction markets in the trade area of the Tennessee Producers Livestock Association and to use these figures as a criteria for measuring "adequacy" of the existing facilities.

3. To determine the factors affecting the decisions of livestock producers among alternative market outlets in the 35-county trade area of Middle Tennessee served by Tennessee Producers Livestock Marketing Association.

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