Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Food Science and Technology

Major Professor

Ivon E. McCarty

Committee Members

Melvin R. Johnston, David L. Coffey


Five varieties of two lots each of dried beans (Phaseolus Vulgaris) were used to study rate of water imbibition and time required for hydration. Soak-time predictability curves were constructed for each variety. Skins of the beans were removed and analyzed for calcium, protein, pectin and fat content. Correlations were determined between chemical component of the skins and hydration and shear resistance. Initial moisture content was found to be much lower than the supplier's specifications. Significant differences were found among lots within varieties and among varieties indicating that pre-soak treatments exert some influence on hydration of dried beans. This agrees with the findings of other workers that production area and relative harvesting, drying and storage conditions influencing final moisture content of dried beans influence their hydration rate. Significant variations were found among varieties in time required to attain 50 percent moisture. Black Eye and Navy required less than one—third of the time required by other varieties indicating that chemical and physiological differences among varieties effect both rate of water absorption and hydration time. Shear resistance varied inversely with moisture content. Although wide variations in calcium, protein, pectin and fat content of skins were found between the different varieties, only fat and protein were found to be significantly related to moisture content.

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