Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Daniel W. Hubbard

Committee Members

Frances A. Schofield, Cyrus Mayshark


This thesis describes and analyzes the programs of the Nutrition Section as it appeared to the student during her field experience with the North Carolina State Board of Health. The experiences were planned to further develop the student's skills and potentials in the field of public health nutrition. It enabled her to apply her knowledge and abilities within the framework of a major health agency, to learn of the role of the Nutrition Section in relation to the State Board of Health, to interact with professional colleagues, and to increase her professional stature and confidence.

Through these activities the student gained a more meaningful insight into the roles of the public health nutritionist, the public health dietitian, and the nutrition intern. The opportunity to assist in a special project that assessed the impact of a Maternal and Infant Care Project on the physical growth of children provided opportunities for the student to improve her research capabilities and program planning skills.

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