Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Agricultural Economics

Major Professor

John Brooker

Committee Members

David Eastwood, Darrell Mundy


Previous studies have examined the potential of vegetable crops in many states throughout the nation. However, no previous studies have primarily focused on the economic feasibility of potato production in Tennessee. In this study, attitudes and practices of wholesale potato buyers in the state are examined to determine the potential for Tennessee farmers to sell potatoes to them. These attitudes and practices were collected through a confidential potato wholesaler questionnaire. Secondly, potato enterprise budgets from Southern states and major potato producing states were collected to examine differences in cost structure between states.

The results from this study describe attitudes and practices of wholesalers in Tennessee that buy potatoes. Wholesalers expressed concern about the prospect of buying Tennessee-grown potatoes. The main concern among these buyers was the lack of an adequate supply from producers in the state. Other concerns reported by wholesalers included quality of the tuber and the difficulty of switching from current suppliers. Comparison of potato enterprise budgets in Alabama, Idaho, North Carolina, and Tennessee provided insight regarding anticipated net returns and costs per acre.

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