Masters Theses
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Major Professor
Charles P. White
Committee Members
Albert H. Dehner, Karl A. Boedecker, Ross M. Robertson
(From Justification of the Study)
This study is different from the typical "assessment" study. It is what may be termed a "multiple" comparison of assessments because two assessment ratios are compared with each other, and the assessment ratios are also compared with appraisal ratios made for purposes other than taxation. The study may reveal the inherent variations in any evaluation job. Specifically, do appraisers for lending purposes also under- or over-value property (as assessors are accused of doing) in relation to sales price because of geographic area or because of high or low market value?
It is hoped and believed that a study of this nature will be of help to those interested in real estate appraisals and for those interested in real property taxation. This study may be especially helpful as a "yardstick" for both county and city assessors, and it may be of value to the commission and boards whose duty it is to equalize assessments. It is contemplated that it will be used as a source of data for a further study of the appraisals and assessments outside the corporate limits of Knoxville, and as a guide in determining the value of properties to be acquired by the Knoxville Housing Authority.
Recommended Citation
Ransom, Lawrence O., "A Comparison of Appraisals of Residential Properties for Lending Purposes with County and City Assessments of Identical Properties in Knoxville, Tennessee, 1950. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 1950.
Major is listed as Finance. No Abstract included.