Masters Theses
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Arts
Preface: The purpose of this thesis is to narrate the relationships that existed between the settlers and the Cherokee Indians occupying particularly what is now the State of Tennessee, with special attention to the character of both powers as brought forth by their contact with each other, and to the policies of each toward the other. The years 1783 to 1794 form an important period in the history of the United States and also the history of the Tennessee region. The Nation was in a state of confusion. The Continental Congress constituted the National power during most of these years and the states refused to abide by the acts of that body and consequently many conflicts in authority arose which caused much antagonism and also much blood-shed.
Much credit for the work in this thesis is due to that group who so kindly made possible access to various sources of information. The Manuscript Room in the Library of Congress is due many thanks for the kindness shown in permitting access to the manuscripts of various contemporary officials of this period. The writer wishes to express his appreciation to Miss Rothrock and her efficient staff of the Lawson McGhee Library, to the Carnegie Library of the University of Tennessee, and to Mr. Austin P. Foster, Assistant Librarian, State Library, Nashville, and to Judge John H. DeWitt of Nashville, President of the Tennessee Historical Society, for their suggestions and kindnesses in making available various material used in this thesis. To Miss Edith Thompson, student in Art at the University of Tennessee, also much appreciation is due for the excellent map work included herein.
Recommended Citation
Frost, Ralph Walter, "A History of the Cherokee Indians of the Tennessee Region From 1783 to 1794. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 1925.