"Design and Analysis of a Low Production Cost Hybrid Electric High Mobi" by Craig Blake Rutherford

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Mechanical Engineering

Major Professor

William R. Hamel

Committee Members

Jeffrey W. Hodgson, David K. Irick


The conceptual design of a low production cost hybrid electric High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV) is described. The design uses a parallel hybrid configuration incorporating a reduced displacement diesel engine, a permanent magnet electric motor, and lead-acid batteries. The design is termed “low production cost” because it uses commercial off the shelf (COTS) hardware where possible and does not require major alterations to either the chassis or drivetrain of the base vehicle. Computer modeling and simulation of the proposed design indicates that it can meet or exceed Army provided hybrid electric HMMWV performance criteria. The proposed design offers improved fuel efficiency, extended “silent watch” capability, pure electric “stealth” operation, and “limp home” capability in the event of failure of the electrical propulsion system. The design also permits the vehicle to be used as a mobile field generator for mobile headquarters, field hospital, and mobile communication applications.

This thesis will include discussions of design trade-offs associated with the conversion of a HMMWV to hybrid electric operation.

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