Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Architecture



Major Professor

Brian Ambroziak

Committee Members

Scott Wall, Marleen Davis


The way in which people see and perceive things varies with each individual. Although, it is possible to focus the individuals attention in a particular way causing them to have various perceptions of the same view. The gaze is an element that has been studied and analyzed in numerous medias. Each medium has found a way to manipulate or control the individuals gaze making it possible to convey a meaning or feeling through the use of this technique (see figure 1). In having some control over the gaze of the onlooker designs can be formulated that best stimulate the attention of the observer. In architecture relationships between different spatial units are able to convey a particular meaning to the observer. Elements within architecture such as the window, frame, and wall are able to shape the space to assistance in this conveyance. Involving the manipulation of the sense of sight in a design can result in a more meaningful and captivating experience in a place.

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