Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Aerospace Engineering

Major Professor

Frank G. Collins


The author modified a surface fit version of the PARCEQ implicit. Beam and Warming, real gas Navier-Stokes code to correct the calculation of the constant pressure specific heat and the compressibility parameter, to correct the surface fit model at low temperatures and to improve the computational speed of the calculation of gas properties using surface fits. The author then conducted a study of the NASA LeRC 1030:1 nozzle using the new version of the code. Based upon studies performed at NASA LeRC, the author assumed laminar flow in the nozzle for all calculations. The author presents calculated results of performance and compares them with published calculations performed with the Two-Dimensional Kinetics Program (TDK) and with published nozzle test data. The author also presents calculated results of nozzle wall heat flux and compares them with published nozzle test data. The performance results show agreement with TDK calculations and nozzle test data. The heat flux results indicate that the flow in the nozzle was not laminar, as claimed in the studies performed at NASA LeRC, but rather was transitional or fully turbulent.

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