Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

C. E. Caudill

Committee Members

Susan Caudill, Mark Littmann


This study presents the results of a survey of a random sample of scientists and engineers within Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc., in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. It concerns their attitudes toward the presentation of science by the media, particularly local newspapers. More than 470 responded to the questionnaire sent to them in January of 1992. The literature review examines science from a philosophical and sociological perspective, gives a little of the history of the communication of science in the media, and reviews research on the topics of communicating science. Particularly, the review considers the view that scientists and journalists may be at opposite poles, a suggestion advanced by some; and it also examines criticisms leveled by both sides. The questionnaire elicited opinions from the respondents on the presentation of science, attitudes about accuracy and headlines, the role of the press in communicating science, importance of information in stories, and the perceived attitudes of reporters and the press toward scientists. The results of the survey indicate that the scientists and engineers in the study are critical of the presentation of science in local newspapers. They lay the blame on the media and suggest that things would be better if scientists were allowed to review articles before publication and if newspaper reporters had more training in science.

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