Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

E. L. Wehry

Committee Members

W. Bull, M. Sepaniak


Laser photolytic-fragmentation fluorescence spectrometry (LP-FFS) was performed on the following amines: allylamine, propargylamine, N-methylallylamine, and N,N-dimethylallylamine. One-laser experiments were performed with an ArF laser operating at 193 nm. Fluorescent fragments formed and detected were NH, CH, CN, and C2. Two-laser experiments were performed using the ArF laser as a photolysis source and a dye laser operating at 360, 384.5, 386, or 387.5 nm as a probe laser to selectively enhance the fluorescence of the CN or C2 fragments. Differences in the observed two-laser fragment fluorescence spectra allow these amines to be distinguished from one another. The limit of detection for allylamine was determined to be 1 x 10-7 grams. The observed relative standard deviation was 1.3% for one-laser experiments and 3.8% for two-laser experiments. The dependence of the observed fragment fluorescence signals on the photolysis and probe laser power was also determined for both one- (193 nm) and two-laser (193 nm + 360 nm) experiments on allylamine and N,N-dimethylallylamine fragments.

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