Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Aviation Systems

Major Professor

Robert Richards

Committee Members

Ralph Kimberlin, Charles Paludan


This study was an in-depth look at the transfer of operator-to-vehicle interface technology between aviation and automotive fields. The four major areas of technology transfer which were examined included: system control switches, auditory displays, Head-Up Displays (HUD's), and navigation systems. In each area the history and evolution of the technology as implemented in aircraft was profiled. Then the current state of aviation technology was examined in detail. This examination included reviewing those human factor considerations the technology was designed around. Following each section's presentation of aviation technology, the particular technology was evaluated for its ability to be and past success in being transferred to the automotive industry. Particular attention was paid to alterations in, and compromises to the technologies that were required to overcome, economic, technological, and human factor differences between the two industries. Finally, for each area suggestions for future technology transfer were presented. It was concluded that significant technology transfer had taken place, but that more could be facilitated. A suggested generic operator-to-vehicle interface configuration for future automotive use based on the findings in each area of technology transfer was presented.

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