Masters Theses


Ching Cheng

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

David A. Johnson

Committee Members

James Spencer, Yang Zhong


The Pu Dong new area development is one of the largest projects of China in recent decades. My purpose has been to research the concept plan for Pu Dong such as plan generation, and content. Then, I have evaluated the plan. This is a case study. I went to China to gather existing statistics, to interview people and to make field investigation in summer, 1991. Most of the data obtained are up-to-date, and come from libraries, government agencies, universities and research institutions. Shanghai is the largest and most important city of China. Pu Dong, almost as large as the city, is a relatively undeveloped area near Shanghai. The Chinese government intends to develop Pu Dong, expand and modernize Shanghai, in order to facilitate the nation's economy. The Pu Dong project has already been started. But planning should be improved, and requires more research. My thesis is a category of macro-research and emphasizes socio-economic aspects. I described the concept plan comprehensively, associated with the background materials. I used both Chinese macroeconomic theories and Western planning theory to evaluate the plan. In my opinion, the Pu Dong project could be successful, but should resolve some problems, particularly tight budgets and system conflict. The plan and planning have deficiencies. The comprehensive plan should be completed; the planning organization and process should be improved.

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