Masters Theses


Xiu Y. Chen

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

James A. Crook


The purpose of the study is to describe the pattern of readership of one Chinese-language newspaper, the World Journal, and to analyze the functions and some influences of the Chinese-language newspapers among the Chinese immigrants. A survey of readership was conducted in Atlanta's Chinatown from March 26 to April 3,1992. The World Journal was selected as the subject newspaper for the research. Questionnaires in both English and Chinese were distributed to 100 respondents. Among the 100 questionnaires, 54 were fully answered and were used for data analysis. The survey results supported the hypotheses of the study. The findings indicated that 1) the length of stay in the United States, educational level, occupation and age are significant elements that have effects on the distribution of the Chinese-language newspaper readership: 2) the majority of the readers agree that Chinese-language newspapers have the function of helping the readers adjust to life in the United States; 3) Chinese readers who have weaker English language ability have a greater tendency to read Chinese-language newspapers; 4) Chinese people read Chinese-language newspapers because they want to know more news about their homeland and to maintain ties with Chinese culture; 5) readers of Chinese-language newspapers usually share their newspapers with other Chinese people; 6) the majority of the readers favor the Chinese-language newspapers that are politically neutral.

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