Masters Theses


Alex L. Bangs

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Computer Science

Major Professor

J. H. Poore

Committee Members

Bradley Vander Zanden, Reinhold Mann


The Trace Assertion Method, originated by David Parnas, is a method for developing specifications for software modules. The nature of the method allows verification of consistency and completeness of the specification, and provides a rigid structure to the designer. This method is extended to work with object-oriented designs for a C++ system involving a user interface. A number of object-oriented concepts which are not present in the original Trace Assertion Method are incorporated into the method and demonstrated on two completely specified increments of the system being developed. In addition, the method is incorporated into a system wide view beyond the original modular scope of the method. Advantages of the adapted method and its problems are discussed.

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