Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Civil Engineering

Major Professor

Richard M. Bennett

Committee Members

Edwin Burdette, David Goodpasture


The behavior of two one-bay, one-story structural clay tile infilled structural steel frames subjected to horizontal in-plane racking loads applied at roof level is investigated. The steel frames had W10 x 30 wide flange columns bent about the weak axis and a W12 x 35 beam. Eight inch by twelve inch by twelve inch structural clay tile masonry was placed into the frames using Type N mortar. The tile was placed with the cells horizontal using full bed joints and face shell bedding in the head joints. The two specimens varied only in the aspect ratio of the frames. One frame had an aspect ratio of 1:1, with nominal dimensions of eight feet by eight feet. The second frame had an aspect ratio of 1.5:1, with nominal dimensions of twelve feet long by eight feet high. The loading of the specimens was cyclic in nature with each specimen being loaded both in compression and tension to a predetermined set of deflection increments. Each specimen was loaded to failure, with failure being defined as increasing deflection with no increase in load. The specimens were instrumented in such a manner that frame displacements, panel-frame relative displacements and frame member forces were obtained through a computerized data collection system. The load-deflection relationships and infilled frame behavior are the primary interest of this study.

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