Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts



Major Professor

William M. Bass

Committee Members

Richard Jantz, Lyle Konigsberg


Mann et al. (1991) proposed a method of aging skeletal remains using a nonmetric assessment of palatal suture closure. This study is an attempt to standardize that method using specific sutural areas and a defined system of scoring. Standardization would lead to the reduction of subjectivity and interobserver error which could be caused by intrasuture variability as well as different interpretations between observers. An equation was developed using the statistical method of regression to predict the age of unknown individuals. The question of sexual dimorphism was also explored. In opposition of Mann (1987) and Mann et al. (1987,1991) sex was statistically determined not to significantly effect the rate of suture closure. The method developed in this study was found to be of limited usefulness. The predicted ages were consistently higher than the younger and lower than the older individuals. In some cases markedly so. As with cranial suture closure a general relationship was exhibited between age and palatal suture closure. These "moderate association" lead to age predictions with confidence intervals too wide to have an effective practical application.

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